New beginning part six

Gorn staging area.
Cyprus sector.
Dameg looked over the fleet. His plan was going according to schedule. The fleet would strike the colony. They would reclaim the planet. Then they would convince the ruling class to approve more operations to hit more world’s with the transponders. If they refused,they would no longer be the ruling class.
“Everything is in place !”the first officer said. “Excelent . stand by to move out. “Dames said.
“Sir! We have an impending fleet. They are human vessels. They are on a direct course for US. ” the science tech said.
“No! How did they find out about our plans?”the commander asked. “Someone must have tipped them off. ” the first officer remarked.
“No matter. Order our fleet to intercept. If the humans want to fight us. We will let them!”Dameg declared.
X 1000
“The hostile had detected us. They are headed right for us!” Gina reported. “Match there course and speed! Let get this over with. ” commander styles said.
The fleet headed to each other. The two sets of fleet . a gorn heavy cruiser was the first to get of a schot.
Then the rest of the gorn fleet opened fire on the human ships.”you ready Jayce? “Styles asked. “In place !” Jason said .”get it done!”styles said. “You got it!” Boyd said.
The two fleets battled it out. The two fleets were just about evenly matched.humans were new to the game but were not novices. They were quick learners.
The x launched several smal pods.the pods opened and the infantry team led by Jason stormed the ships. They got inside.
The teams launched from the other ships. The units deployed grenades and other incidiary devices. The strike force caused quite a stir.
Captain corner styles took advantage of this.the ships fired on the ships.
While Jason and his team hit the gorn. The gorn were firce fighters . they skin provided a natural shielding. They did not need armor. .
As Jason struggled with this enemy. It dawned on him if he did not come home there was no one to miss him. His parents lived in Sumner Maine. They were not terribly close.they would morn but they would move on. He usually did not care.
On sigma epsilon, he saw husband and wives who lost everything consoling each other. Finding strwnth greatly to still be alive. Then he thought of the Vulcan female on the bridge had got to him. She was way out of his league were she human. He had to focus.
X 1000
“We have surrounded the enemy fleet. We have them at bay. “Gina said. “Ok let’s keep it up!hear goes the hard part. ” the Captain said.
While on the flag ship,the sergeant ran to a control panel. Several in his unit covered the sergeant. “Tori it’s your turn! Don’t let me done!” he said.
“I have your link up sergeant. Beging the transfer now!” the Vulcan said.
The Vulcan was able to hack into the central computer of the command ship. She launched a single and sent something similar to an e.m pulse. The single would be transfered to other ship hopefully to the fleet. She found a way to generate the pulse and did so.
The bridge of the gorn flagship went dark. “Report!” the commander of the fleet ordered. “All syistoms are done! We have lost weapons navigation everything but life support . ” the science tech said .
“Restore power to the ship. We have to restore power!”Dameg declared.
X 1000
“The fleet is off line. The pulse will only last for a short time. ” tivora reported. ” we need to get working. Bryce you have the bridge. ” the captain said.
He got up from the command chair.  He left the bridge. He entered a tunnel.
The gorn was immobilized. The fleet worked to repair the ships. The flleet wanted to resume the battle with the humans.
On the bridge of the flagship, the tech on the bridge worked to repair the bridge and the ship at large. “Captain !” styles said.
The gorn took out energy rifles. “How did you get in hear?” the gorn commander demanded to know.
“I am not really hear. I am using a holographic image. I wanted to talk captain ! ” the humans  captain said
“What would I have to talk to you a mere mortal about ?”the gorn asked in a condisending tone. “Your fleet is immobilized . you are surrounded. Your a sitting duck! The only reason we have not taken you out is because I have ordered my fleet to stand down. ” captain styles said.
“What do you want ?” the gorn commander demanded. “We did not detect the transponders we did not realize that the transponders denoted a claim by your people. Violence wasn’t necessary.we could have met and discussed it. ” the captain said.
“We are warrior’s. We do not talk we act. Your colony was an act if war. War was required, war was delivered. ” the gorn said.
” my people have had a war steak. We are violent at least that is our base nature .there has to be a better way .” the captain said.
“We have been wronged.  That wrong must be answered. “The gorn Captain declared. “I understand that captain. We can discus that. We can work out an agreement. We need not destroy each other over this! I m asking you to sit down with us. Lets work out an arrangement that does not involve animation of the other. ” the captain suggested.
The gorn considered it. He paced around the bridge. He went back and forth. Then he stoped.
“Very well. Help me restore my fleets power, then I will order my fleet to withdrawal. You will order our fleet to withdrawal. Then we will discus a cessation of hostilities and a solution to the problem of occupied world’s. ” Dameg said.
“Alright. You have my word. ” styles said. “Then I wil order a cease fire. “The gorn said.
Styes ended the transmission. He was on a pod. “Sergent have your people stand down. Pull out!”he ordered. ” you got it. ” the sergeant said.
“Tivora we are going to help them restore power. “He said .”understood. ” she said.
“Are you out of your mind? The em pulse is our only levege!” the French enginer said. “That is the point! It is the only way. To stop this from becoming an all out war. ” Bryce said. “Mayby war is the only answer. Why delay the inevitable?”peruzau asked . “it May not have to be the inevitable!” shumar said.
To be concluded.

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