New beginning part two

The gorn did not stick around. The gorn ship left after the attack. The deviation was evident. The earth defense force quickly mobilized. Relief ships arrived.
The ships immediately went to the surface of the planet.magshift command post were set up. Emugurgintcy infirmeries were quickly set up.
Medical teams got right to work. As did other teams. Whole streets had been destroyed.
Sergent Jason boyed was in command of a smal unit. He had been aiding in triage.they evaluated the condition of the wounded.he was a solder not a magic but was trained in emergency medicine.
His team went from person to person. All of a sudden there was an energy weapon. He ordered his unit to move out. The team returned fire on the attacker. It was a large reptile like humanoid.
The reptile started to go at one of the soldiers in the unit. The man was picked up. The man was shaken . the unit fired on the creature. Several solders fired simultaneously on the creature.
The gorn was forced to drop the solder. The private was wounded but was not too bad off. Several in the unit went over to help him.
The gorn ran to a high populated area of the street. Boyed led His unit in pursuit of the creature. They fired on the creature. The creature was wounded but undetered.
The creature kept on going. The unit fired on a crane like fell on the gorn trapping him. The man fell. The unit fired and the gorn was rendered unconscious.
Gorn home world
Office of the emperor
“Captain dameg has located five transponders on five different worlds. We have found two that are under the control of a race called the humans. They control a smal empire in fairly remote area of the
Quadrant. They seam to be growing in influence. ” admiral cirbrel said.
“Are these humans a threat to our existing empire?”the emparer grand vizer asked .”not currently . they will be. If human expansion continues at current rate our sphere of influence will converge. ” admiral tirbrin said .
” we have a duty to reclaim our ancestral lands .” cirbrel said. “I realize that but we have a duty to secure our existing realm first .” the minister of infrastructure and interior jicray said.
” yes but we have a duty to our past and our future. We cannot ignore our obligation. “Tirbin said.
“What do you purpose ?”the emparer asked. “We want to lunch a full scale mobilization. We should lunch a full scale invasion of thus human republic. I believe that they will capitulate and sue for peace.” cirbel said .
“This is not The time. We must build up our frontiers not create New one’s.I strongly object to this.”jircray said .
“I strongly object to you ‘minister'”tirbin said.the interior minister pulled out some of the swords that was in His back. The admiral pulled out his sword.
The emperor stoped both of them. “I will consider both opinions. You are dismissed. “The emperor said.
The two factions left.this included the military General staf and the cabinet ministers . the two factions dispersed.
“We cannot allow worlds that are destined to be ours to be occupied by aliens. ” admiral tirbin said. “I know. I don’t intend to. ” admiral curbil said . “we cannot allow the bureaucrats and technocrats to deny our rightful future ” turbin said. “We will not. I assure you of that .”cirbel said.
Eller industries
San Francisco
Lyman Eller was the c.e.o of a compony that specialized in exploration of the galaxy as well as working with the earth government in developing New technology. Eller wanted to focus on deep space exploration. He knew that government contracts facilitated that. He hoped that mankind would focus on exploration and peaceful contact with other worlds.
The door opened. A man entered. “Craig come in. “Eller said. “Sir the colony of sigma Epsilon  was attacked by an  vessel. The vessel confined there attacks to the two cities. The earth defense force wants you to attend an emergency meeting of The General staf in new York. “Craig said.
“Very well. I will attend. “Eller said .”I will inform the e.d.f press office . “Craig said . “they are going to want to militerize Eller industries. “Lyman said . “I know that. We have to hold out. “Craig said.”I have a few ideas. This compony has navigated a lot of turbent watters sense it’s inception shortly after the third world war,I know what I am doing. .” Eller said. “I trust you sir!”Craig said. Eller chuckled.
  New York city
Earth defense force command complex
Lyman Eller and his enterage that included Craig Edison his right hand man entered. The military top brass was there.
One of the military top brass that Lyman considered to be his arch nemises was there. Commadore ghram eagen. Eagen had a different vision for humanity then the Commodore did.
General Pratt the chairman of the joint chiefs of staf for the earth defence force called the meeting to order.
“Our colony on epsilon sigma was attacked by a ship our allies have identified the ship as belonging to the gorn hegemony. Before the attack an unmanned setilite network on tau rho was attacked by The same ship. We believe that this was a prelude to a larger attack.”the General said.
“President Alexander has declared a sate of emergency on sigma epsilon . there is also a sate of alert in the outtor rim colonies. We are deploying the fleet to the outer rim colonies. “Commadore eagen said .
“Who is this gorn?”Eller asked. “The Vulcan , andorians ,numorians have all all had encounters with them. The are reptilian humanoid.they are aggressive. Predatory at times. ” General derail said.
“We have to show force. We want all hands on deck. We will not tolerate any incursions in our space. ” Pratt said.
Eller did not want to see the militarization of the colonies. After a while the assembly was dismissed.
“Mr. Eller, ” eagen said. “Commodore!”Eller said.”I want to bring the x fleet into the military.”eagen said “no way comadore. The x fleet is designed for deep space exploration. It is not a war fleet.I will not allow my fleet to be perverted. ” Eller said.
“You built your fleet with assistance from the department of planetary defense and e.d.f , you cannot refuse me Mr. Eller. “Eagen said.
“Right not only x 1000,x 1001 and x1002 are viable. X 1003 won’t Be space worthy for six more months. I would be willing to loan the three ships to the fleet with some stipulation. “Eller said.
“What are they?”eagen asked.”the x ships will stil Be in the custody of the Eller industries. They will be on loan to the e.d.f star navy . I want them under the command of an Eller industry enploye . I get to chose the commander. I get Vito power over all department heads including The commander of the marine detachment. I don’t want any unauthorized modification without being consulted.I want the ships to be part of the main special ops.” Eller said.
” I don’t like having my hands tied Mr. Eller.” eagen said. “Nor do I. I can’t get everything I want. Fine I accept that . neither can you. You want use of x fleet fine. You will get it on my terms.  ” Eller. Said.
” fine! I agree to your terms !”eagen said . “very well. I will inform the dock master at galaxy edge to have the ships ready to lunch” Eller said.
“Understood. ” eagen said.
Eller industry h.q
“I wish I could go myself . ” Eller said. “I know you would if you could. “Craig edson said. ” I would if I could. I leave the planet. I go into convulsions. So I will get someone else. “He said. “Do you have someone in mind to command?”Craig asked. “Yes I do.” Eller said.
End of part two.

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