Asamov’s rule part six.

“Captian log a fleet of romulan vessels we believed are named by robots are poised to attack a defenless telerite colony. Although we takeout manned and out fined. I have decided to try to stop the attack. It will be difficult. I see no other choice”styles said.
“The crew have come up with a n abitionious plan to combat the threat. ” he said.
Jason Boyed headed up the security and weapons ends. He worked with the secuity and armory staff. He believed that everything was in place on his end. 
“Is what you have to tell me going to dipress me?”the engineering chief asked .”moat definitely. You may want one of those wines you French people are famous for! “Boyed said.
“I don’t drink wine. Although I might have to start by the end of this mission”perizau said.
“I have the estimated power consumption report. “Boyed said. “Ok I night really have to start drinking!”he said. “I don’t see any other alternative. I wish I did. “The armory officer said. He looked it over. “I really don’t like it but your right. “The chief said .
“All decks standing ready!”trajaten said.”you have the cooridinets Kelly?”the captain asked. “I do sir!”the male Kelly announced. “Alright take is there!”the Captain said.
The x went to was a direct intercept course for the robot fleet. The x did not have much of a chance of defeating this foe. Giving up was really not an option.
Robot fleet.
Robot flagship
“T-en min-its to tar-get!”a robot said. “Ex-ce – lent!”the commander exclaimed. “We h-ave a per-I’m-I-ter alert! “Another robot said. “I-den-to-fy?”the commander ordered. A robot scanned the area.
“Ob-ject is the hu-Mon vessel.”the robot scanner said. “Mo-ve to inter-cept” the robot ordered. The robots complied.
“The robot ships have plotted a direct intercept course!” Gina said.’emma stand by all weapons.”the captain ordered. “Weapons ready at your command!”Emma reported. “Ready Gina?”styles asked. “Ready sir!”she answered.
The ship moved into the sight where the robotic fleet was. The ship moved closer and closer to the robots. “Now!”the captain said.
Gina presed a button. A probe was ejected. At the same time,the strike team all in environmental suits left the ship.
They activated there  rockets just as the probe was detonated. The team used the shock wave to propel them close to the vessels.
The explosion hit the robotic vessels. Two vessels were saverly affected. Two more vessels  were hit with superficial damage. The x fired on the shock wave. The wave hit another vessel. The vesel tried to get away but it was too late. There was a direct hit.
The vessel exploded. The x moved in closer to the robotic ships. While the team neared the robotic command ship. The team landed on the roof of the ship.
Tisora went over to Boyed. “You ok?”tisora asked. “I am feeling a little quesy!” Jason said. “You do not enjoy space walks?”the Vulcan asked. “Not especially. “He said.
The team prepared a series of grenades. The grenades were deployed. The team moved back.
When they were at a safe distance,the team leader Schumer presed the detonation button. The granadese exploded. The hatch opened.
“‘re-port!”the robot commander ordered. “De-text-ting gra-nades . as-sult in pro-gress. “A robot reported. “Di-ploy troops t-o th-at ar-e-a. “The commander ordered. “Ack-know-ledged co-mand-Der!”the robot said.
The team gained aces to the ship. They stormed the ship. Steverin was surprised he was hear. He figured that he needed to be hear. Somebody had to provide reason. He could provide the brute force needed to overcome this threat.
  The team moved in .they advanced further into the deck. A door opened,a robotic team opened fire on the assault team. The team returned fire on the robots.
The robots looked clumsy. They were awkward looking. They were not built for aesthetics. They were built to fight and to endure.
The robots fired on the team. They were hit by the x team. The robots were able to withstand laser pulse weapons.
In space,the robotic ships fired back on the x. The robots were fearce and they were fearless. The x flew at high speeds at one of the ship. It deployed a probe modified to be a mustle. It hit the ship. Thex followed it up with a volley of pulse weapons.
Several other robot ships came at them. The x returned fire at the x. The aft part of the ship hit. The bridge felt the impact. “This is fun!”trajaten said.
Inside the command ship,the robots pounded the asault team from the x.  Keny gell could not believe how many battles had been involved in.
He grew up on a farm in Vermont. He dreamed if being in space.sinibf up for Eller he figured it would be boring . he figured it would be more exciting to be a scientific investigator.the only problem was that he did poorly in science compared to other studies. He has been wrong. He had never been bored.
The assault team continued to battle the robots. Steveten marveled at the robots. Were they not trying to slaughter him and his comrad,he would admirer them. They were brillently constructed. They were a technical marvel. He would appreciate them were they not trying to kill him.
Jason fired on the robots. He did not stop for anything. He tried not to give them time to react. It streamed to be working. Tisora found human behavior perplexing. They had changed dramatically in the last one hundred years. They went from war like to almost pacifist. Yet there old nature could crop up at any moment. Most humans including Lyman Eller believed this new man was hear to stay. Could they relapse?
She was unsure but knew that it was a possibility . the Vulcan community on earth was smal. Tisora knew that there  was a good chance that she would Mary a human. She realized that she did not fully appreciate all that that entailed.
Chief perizau tried to get to a power node. He found one. He suspected that the robots were inter connected. Mayby even the ship and the robots were connected.he figured that the Romulus did not have aces to the fail safe or they would have used it. Mayby there was one hear.
He tried to gain access to the ship. This was a very difficult task. He was a man of a certain dignity. He found himself cursing In French.
All of a sudden the robots stoped. Whatever he did he had stoped them. Thet robot commander was unaffected.
“The ship is inert!”Gina announced. “Taj order the asyly team to get out of there. Emma you know what to do!”styles ordered.
The team ran out of the ship. Perizau had trouble  getting  of the cralway. He had to get out.he wanted to be with his wife and unborn child. Going out in a blaze of  glory was not his idea of fun.
The hatch was fuised. All attempts to get out failed. He took his lazer and set it to over loud. He threw it and ducked. It exploded. He ran out. He then went out an air lock.
The rest of the team fled the doomed ship. “Our team is out!”Gina reported. “Target that ship! Fire!” the Captain ordered.
Emma presed the fire button. A ey was unleashed on the ship. The vessel  exploded. The x moved out of the way. The Schick wave hit the other ships. The x made it out.
The team used there emergency rockets to get out of the way. They. All bearly made it out.
“The team is all accounted for captain!”Gina said. “Good let’s get them abored as soon as possible. “The captain said.
“Sir! We have a problem! One of the vessels servived the blast!”Gina said. “Vessel has gone to warp!” Emma said. “As soon as the crew is abored,plot an intercept!”the captain ordered.
In a short time the mission crew were recovered. The ship was off. The ship hoped to quickly catch up with the vessel.
“Captain we have a bigger problem then we expected!”tisora announced. “Report!”the captain ordered. “The vessel is carying metagenic particles. “Tisora said. “What’s Mata genics?”jasson asked. “Think neutron bomb on a planetary scale!”tisora said. “Oh my!”Dr. Renelds said.
“We can’t enter that ship even with e.v.a ships!”tisora said. “Captain I can’t keep it up. I have already pushed the ship beyond it’s limits!”chief enginer. “You will have to push a little longer. We have to stop that ship!”styles said
To be concluded.

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