Asamov’s rule part three

“Journal entry captain corner styles reporting. We are currently surveying uncharted religion far everything has been fairly routine even mundane. It has allowed us to do some routine maintenance and diagnostic on ships syistom. ”
Mess hall
In the mess hall,several of the crew were having breakfast before day shift began. At one table was commander shumar,lt and doctor renelds, the perizau and others.
” so are you feeling?”Schumer asked .”well I am over morning sickness phase of the pregnentcy.I am feeling prety good!”Marie said. “She is stil volunteering for bridge duty much to my shagrin!”perizau said. “She is not the first human pregnancy in space but she will b e the first pregnancy In deep space. “Dr. Renelds said. “I Sence a paper or a book!”shumar said. “I gave her permission to do that . maybe me and my baby will be famous. “She said. “I will be famous for breaking warp 6!”perizau said . “credit that will be shared with me Sense I Wil be flying the ship that makes warp six and beyond!”the male Kelly. Said. “I will make sure you get a sentence or two in the history book.”the Frenchman said.”thanks.”the pilot said.
At another table . “so have you talk to tisora?”steveren asked. “Not Sense we left numorian space. “Jason Boyd said. “Is she and commander Grant an item?”the andorian asked. “I have no idea I have not asked!”he said. “You two should be together. Your wasting time! Grow up ?”the andorian said.”what do you really think?”Jason asked.
Trajaten Sat alone.he perfered privacy . some might look at him anti social. His thoughts on it was he is hear to do a task.his off time is his own. He is not required to solicilize after hours.if he is he is happy to resign and return home or to the embassy on earth.
He heard the sound of a tray landing on the table. He looked was ensign Gina brell.”may I join you?”she asked. “Of course!” he said. She Sat down.
“Captian I am getting a distress is a rygelian vessel. They say they are under attack by the romulons. “Kat said. ”
Romulons?”ema asked. “We are not that far from where we believe the romulon border to be.”tisora said.
“Ok pilot set course for the distress calls location. “Captain styles said.  Skyler ,the ensign had the helm plotted the course. “Course laid in. “She announced.
“Have the senior officers come to the bridge. I want to have them briefed before We arrive. “The captain ordered.
When they arrived on the bridge,the captain filled them in. “Now raving! Captain I cannot locate the ship. I am detecting evidence of debree. It was recent. The drebre is consistent with rygelin technology. “Tisora reported.
“Is there a record of hostility between the two races?”sumar asked.”not recently. The romulon seam to believe in a kind of manifes Destiny. If the rygeliens were an obstacle whatever there prior relationship I believe that they would deal with them as they saw fit!”the Vulcan.reported.
“Lt. Have the debre brought abored bored.tisora,chief I want you to anilize the debris. No stone unturned. “Styles ordered. The science officer and chief enginer understood his directive.
In the cramped cargo bay,several engineers  and other crewman looked over the wrekege of the il fated vessel. They anilized everything. They were detailed oriented. They had to be. This was too important not to be.
“Are the rygeliens a friendly species?”the chief asked. “For the most part yes. Vulcans have several trade agreements with them. Vulcans  have diplomatic ties with them. “Tisora informed the enginer.
“I see!”he said. “Chief the weapons used are consistent with the weapons used at our border and against the robot ship!”an enginer said.
“Is this a prelude to an attack or more of there hit and run style?”perizau asked. “I don’t know. That would be difficult to determine.
“Your prety sure it is the romulans!”captain styles asked. “Yes I am captain. “The chief enginer said. “Alright does the rygelian have an embassy on Vulcan?”the captain asked. “They do sir!”tisora said.”inform Vulcan of what has occured and Have them pass it on to the rygeliens!”the captain ordered. “Sending sir!”trajaten said. The com officer sent the messege.
“I am detecting a large concentration of warp signature. It is  right for us!” tisora said.
Romulan ship
“Detecting incoming ship. It is the human vessel.”the sensor tech said. “We should destroy it and be done with it! We have a different misson now! Don’t worry human ship ,we will be back for you! “The primus said.
“They are weapons hot!” Jason reported. ” we Will never make it! If they fire ,we are toast!” shumar said.
The ships moved closer to the ship hail the command ship!”styles ordered. “No response !”trajaten said.
The ships kept going for the ship. They almost headed to the x.then the swarm went to warp. The swarm kept going.
” what just happened?” the first officer asked. “This hardly seams like the romulon we have come to know and love. ” Jason said.
“It seams like we are not the intended target at least right now!”the captain said. “They hit The rygeliens, why not us?” the doctor asked. “Are we in the middle of a war zone?” the chief enginer asked. “It looks like it.we need to stay out on our toes! It I s going to get dicy I suspect!” the captain said.
End of part three

Asimov ‘s rule part two

Ki bartan
Senator kenole star was in disendence. His program to expand the empire though the use of robots was falling into disfavor. The attack on the x 1000 failed. The preator laid the blame on kenole.
Kenole feared that he might lose his appointment to the Senate he feared that he could suffer a worse fate. He would not think about that right now.
The senator was asleep with his wife at his home when the com syistom went off. Kenole got up and activated the com unit.
“Kenole hear!”the senator said. “Senator we need you at the command center!”a tech said. “I will be right there!”Kenole said.
Ki bartan
Advanced research center
Operations center
“Report!”the senator ordered.”senator! The vessel sent to retrieve the automated drone vessel Had vanished. All attempts to contact the ship has failed. “A tech said.
“The vatair is one of our best ship with one of the most experienced commanders. How could this have happened?”kenole asked. “Uncertain excelentcy!”kojef the tech said .
“I want all nearby vessels to head for the last known location of the vatair. Recall all of the remaining drone ship!”kenole ordered.
“Is it necessary to recall all of the robot is just one defective ship or crew!”kojef remarked. “I want to take proqaution just in case!”he told the younger tech.
What he dared not say was his fear that this was far biger then anyone realized.he hoped he was wrong.that ship had to be stoped.He hoped that they could capture the ship.he wanted to study it. Right now there might be no choice but to destroy it.
“Sending the order sir!”s com tech said. The senator tried to mask his fear. He hoped that his concern was unwarranted.
Rihansu bird of prey tor Sharon.
“Sub commander we have just received priority one orders. We are to procede to the last coordinates of the vatair. They have not communicated in for some time!”the com officer said. “Send the coordinates to the pilot. “Sub commander turil ordered.”I have it !”the pilot reported “plot course at once. I will inform the commander.”turil commented.
Office of the commander
   “I never liked the idea of robots. Anything worth doing is worth being done by soldiers. Once again the scientist with too much time on there hands make huge mistake the military had to solve. When will our leaders learn that overwhelming force will win the day?”commander tropi said.
“When there incontrovertible proof in either it’s ineffectiveness or detriment to the empire!”suril said. “I know that. I tire cleaning up the mes made by the scientist. “The commander said. ” as do I. I believe this may be there undoing.”the exo said. “I just we servive it”the commander thought.
The pods remained In space. The primus knew that they could not servive forever on the escape pod. He hoped that they would be found.he hoped that the fleet was looking.
“Klungons have a saying it is a good day to die. I would perfer not to!”the primus said.”to die in service of the sate is no failings ! A centurian said.”I Wil gladly die in the service to the sate and it’s predator but I want it to be in a Nobel fashion. Not dying from lack of oxygen. “Prmus said.
“What comes before what comes after absolute loyalty to the sate. As long as it is in surface to the sate it is not insufficient. ” centurian brelek said.
The primus decided not to debate the Jr officer any further. For all he knew the centurian was a spy for internal intelligence.
The primus wanted to go out doing something noble. He wanted to do something important.he knew tha any act in the servive of the empire was explemary. He wanted to go Down in a blaze of glory. Something a man like brelek would never understand.
Rimulan vessel
“Sir I have located several escape pods. They are from the musing vessel. I am also detecting massive degree. “The science officer said. “Sir the weapons are consistent with a plasma beam. The weapon is one of ours!”the tech said.
“The robotic ship destroyed our vessel.”the first officer said.
“Order all ships to begin recovering the escape pods. ” the commander ordered . “sending now!”the com tech reported.
“Science officer. Find me that robot ship! No excuses! Just find it!”the commander ordered. The science officer knew not trffle with the commander.
The science officer used every tactic she knew off to gain the most range . she was determined to find the ship.
The pods were brought on to the ships. Unlike earthy tradition on Romulan vessels the captain was the first to be rescued. In some cases,if the commanding officer was dead,the crew was not allowed to live. That practice was frowned upon.
The primus was escorted to the bridge. “I am pleased that you have survived .”the commander said. “I am transferring the flag to this ship. “The primus said. “Primus I yield command of the ship to you! The bridge is yours!” the commander said.
“Excellentcy I have located the robotic ship!”science officer kirem said .”pilot intercept that ship!”the commander ordered.kirem transferred the coordinates to the helm. The pilot plotted the course. The ship’s went to warp.
Robotic ship
“Co-mand- Der. De-Dec-ting ves-sel near-by. Ves-sel is ry-geli-in. “A robot reported. “Plot – course- for- vessel!”the robotic commander ordered. “Co-mand-Der,we are not at war wi-th t-h-e ry-gel-Ian’s! Our war I-s wi-th t-h-e ri-Han-sure!”a robot said. “Fol-low my or-ders . we. Are at w-a-r wi-th all Nat-u-ral ba-sed li-fe fo-rms . “the commander said.
The robotic pilot plotted the course. “Cou-r-s-e laid in. ” the Robotic pilot reported.
Rygelian vessel
“We have incoming vessel! “A sansor tech said. ” can you identify the vessel?”the starship captain asked. The tech worked on identifying the vessel. “Captain the vessel is Rihansu!” the tech said.
“Raise shields! ” the captain said. The gunner raised the shields.
The robotic ship did not have the need for life support. There we’re no mess hall or rec areas or crew quarters. There were no food supplies or replicators so more energy could be directed to propulsion or weapons or other key syisyom. It was a pure war machine.
The robotic ship opened fire on the Hegelian vessel. The war ship took out one of The nicelle.The nicelle was badly damaged. The ship kept fireing even after it was rended inoperable.
The rygelian vessels got off a few schots. The war ship wa able to anticipate the rygelian’s move and countered it. The drone ship fired on the other nicele. The nicelle was pulverized.
The drone ship flew as close as it could to there opponent. It fired a full volley of plasma like also released charges. The charges were on a time delayed detonation.
The charges started to go off.there were multiple explosions.the drone ship took advantage of the explosions. The drone ship fired on the vessel. It was unrelenting.
The vessel was utterly destroyed.the drone ship then moved on. This was only the beginning.
End of part two.
I wanted to wait to part three to have the crew of the x.

“Assamov’s rule”

Previously on star trek beginning.
Following mankind breaking the warp barrier,mankind had begun a program to venture out into deep space.
At the same time ,another race is also preparing to venture out.unlike the humans they have a different goal. They desire to expend milierily. 
They lunch a preemptive strike on space controlled by humans. The humans launched the x1000.they led an effort to repel the attacked. They halted the advance. They decided to abandon the plans at least for now.
The preator of the romulan empire stil wanted to expand the empire. He approved a program to use ships piloted by robots.
A robotic ship tried to attack human space.the attack was thawted by the x 1000. The romulans are not ready to give up just yet.
Earth has just reached an agreement to buy space stations along the numorien border. They have arbited a cease fire between the numiruan and a nearby species.  And now tonight’s episode.
Romulan fleet command.
“Now on direct intercept course for the ship!”the pilot reported “hail the drone ship!”primus heleek ordered. The com tech tried to hail the ship. “No responce my Lord! “The com officer replied.
“All stop!”the primus ordered. The pilot stoped the engine as he was ordered to. “Helm at all stop !”the pilot announced.
“Computor tech activate the override protical. Seize that ship!”the primus ordered. The computer tech activated a link with the drone ship.
Each drone ship was designed with an override protical. Every robotic ship had a fail safe. On the primus’ order,the tech activates the device designed to override the control and overpower the ship.
Robotic ship
“Co-ma-nd-e-r co-man-d Shi-p a-temp-ting to com-min-dear our ship!”a robotic underling announced.
“I -s -u-e coun-ter over-ride pro-ti-cal!” the lead robot ordered. The robot acknowledged the order. The robot activated the device.
“Excelentcy the drone ship is trying to override the counter mand syistom. “The science officer reported.
“How do they know to do that?”the first officer asked.”some how they have taught themselves !”the primus asked.
“I am attempting to block them. Every thing I do,they think of a  way to override my road blocks!”the computer tech said.
The tech kept playing with the computer. The robots found a way to emit some kind of electrical charge. The rihansu was hit. The tech struck like bring struck by lightning. The crew man fell to the ground. The exo checked the tech.the tech was dead.
The exo tried to work the computer concil. The station was totally fried.suddenly the bridge went dark. “Report!” the commander ordered.”helm control is off line!”the pilot reported. “Wepons are off line!”the gunner said .
“Life support is failing !” the engineer on the bridge reported. The robotic ship fired a pulse like charge at the romulan naval ship. The pulse hit the vesel’s refer. The pulse caused a shock wave that spread to the rest of the ship.
The bridge exploded. Most of the bridge crew was dead. A few remained.
“Abandon ship! Quickly!”heleek ordered.the remaining bridge crew fled the command deck. The pods were launched.
The robotic ship could have stoped there. The vessel was not going any where. They opened fire again. The vessel exploded.
“Det-Tec-t-ing e-sc-ape pods!”a robot underling reported. “Do-we-destroy the e-sc-a-p-e pods?”another robot asked. The command robot thought it over. “Neg-a-tive ! ” the commander said.
The starship moved out of the way.the ship went to warp. The debre remained.
End of part one.

The universe according to trajaten the conclusion

“Acting captains log,it has been several hours since captain styles and his party have vanished after leaving a station we are considering aquring. ”
“We are heading out to search for the crew. We are hopefull that we can locate them quickly and safe and sound.” Schumer said.
“Clear all mornings!”styles ordered.Lindsey currently at the pilots chair presed the button that released restraints. The mornings imiduetly fell off.
“Morings cleared!”Lindsey reported. “Take you out!”captain styles ordered. The acting helm piloted the vessel out of the dock. “We are clear sir!”the acting helm reported.
The x joined the search. The x tried to cover ground that the numorian ships had not covered.
Gina tried to enchance the Sensors.the unofficial theme of the x was innovation and inginuity. Gina found that though tisora wS logical she set that example of innovation. Lyman Eller liked to use the phrase “embrace the impossible” she tried to incorporate that into her life and her operations on the ship.
“Captain I have something!”Gina reported.the acting captain went over to the science station. “Report!”commander shumar ordered. “I am detecting a unknown energy reeding. It is fairly remote but is still in the search grid!”Gina reported.
“It could be a wild those chase!” Lindsey commented. “The numotians don’t really want us out hear. Why not go Chase wild goose while the grown up do the real work!”Gina suggested.
Commander shumar went to the command chair. “Linse set course for the area. It is always a good day to chasing geese! ” the first officer currently in command ordered.
Lindsey plot the course. “Course plotted and engaged captain!”the acting helm said. The x was off.
On the hostile ship styles stumbled on to a room heavily guarded by ships soldiers. Styles had no choice but to stand down. “We have captured one of them!”the trooper in command informed the bridge. “Bring him up to the bridge!” the commander said. “Aye sir !”the lead trooper said.
The captain was escorted under heavy guard to the bridge.the troopers said nothing to styles.styles said nothing in response to the the commandos. He was not interested in engaging them in conversation.they were not interested in talking to him either.
In a control room,Tisora was trying to access key information. “Fasinating!”the female Vulcan said. “Please feel free to share with the rest of the class!”Jason said. “Jayce. This race lives in a region near hear. They tend to keep a low profile. The numorians had began to expend near there realm. It made them nervous. We show up. I think this is some kind of reconnaissance mision. “Tisora said.
“They are isolationist ? Intergalatic loners?”Jason commented. “It is possible!”she said. They heard a noise. “Tori we need to get of hear!”Jason admonished her. “I have no objections to that! The female Vulcan said. The two headed out. They abandoned the room before the security team arrived.
They ran as fast as they could. While she had more stamina then an average human,Jason was able to keep up. He had extensive survival and evasion training. He put it to use. 
Trajaten,luzole and perizau continued to roam around the ship. They managed to elude the patrol. They saw the team of Tisora and Jason.
“It Is agreible to see you !”Tisora  said. “I would not have put it quite that way but what she said!”Jason said.”I am very glad to see you!”the French enginer said. They headed to the  area where the Shartle was.
Styles was escorted to the bridge. “I am captain corner styles of the human starship x 1000. “He said. “I am admiral Burrell of the hizalli. “The commander said.
“Why did you attack us ?”styles asked.”you are a threat to us!  Bureel said. Styles was confused. “How ?”styles asked.”you are a threat to us!”the commander said.
The team entered the Shartle. “Where Is the captain?”Dr. Kelly asked. “We have not seen him!”peruzau said. “We know who these people are. They are called the hizalli. They live in a remote area near numorian space. They feel threatened by numorian expansion. This was preemptive. “Tisora said.
   “How do we stop this thing from mushrooming out of control?”Kelly w. Asked.
“I have a visual!” Gina reported. “On screen!”shumar ordered. The com officer transfered the image to the view screen. The large ship was displayed. It looked like a predator.
“The vessel is not in the Vulcan,numorian or galiderian data base!”Gina reported. “It not any ship I have encountered. “Steveren the andorian said. “Send It to numorian fleet command!”shumar said. “If they know who these people are will they tell us?”Steveren asked. “Man your cynical!” the acting captain said.
“Sending now !”Jessie the com officer pro tempt said. “Orders captain?”Lindsey asked .”plot an intercept course but do not engage.”shumar said.
“You really expect the numorian to do the heavy lifting? “Steveren asked. “This is there space? I am hoping they will help out.”shumar said .”I have there fleet command! “Jesica said. “On screen!”the captain for the time being ordered.
On the view screen, the bridge of a numorian  heavy cruser was displayed. The commander got up from the command chair.
“Do you recognize this vessel?’ Schumer asked. “We do. The vessel was believed to be mythological. The vessel originate in an area just outside our space.”admiral zlotedb said.
“I believe they have our people and yours!”shumar said.”we will deal with this. We will intercept them. Remain at a safe distance. This is a job for the strong! “He said .the screen faded.
“Are we going to heed his ‘advice’?”Lindsey asked. “Not a a David and golieth situation I always bet on golieth! Engage!” shumar ordered. Lindsey smiled and activated the course.
“We have incoming. It Is the numorian fleet!” Tisora said.”I don’t want to abandon the captain but this is our chance! We have to take it!”luzole said. “I hate to admit It but you are probably right. Go Kell!”the chief said.
The shartle went at high warp. They got out of the way. The hizalli ship had more important things to worry about beyond a small Shartle they had bigger fish to fry.
Hizalli vessel
“We have an incoming fleet. Its the numorian fleet!” the science officer informed the admiral In command.”they are ordering us to stand down and turn over the share crew!”the comm officer.
“This is over admiral.”styles said. “The incursion into our realm is unacceptable! It must stop !”burrel said.”what if an agreement could be worked out? “Styles said.
“What kind of agreement?”the commander asked. “If a no go zone was established between your realm and numorian space. Buoys could be enacted to assure compliance. ” the captain said.
“We will solve this on our own! “Burrel said. “This need not be solved by force.”styles said. “Would they be willing to negotiate? “The admiral said. “Look I don’t know. It is worth a try. “Styles said.
Numorian vessel
“Sir! We are being hailed. Its captain styles!”the com officer said.
X 1000
“Captains log, we have sucesfully negotiated an agreement to buy several numorian bases. We have also negotiated an end of hostilities between the numorian and nizali.the agreement is temporary,the two have agreed to sit down for talk aimed at a more perminent accord. Both sides have asked humanity to act as neutral arbiter. ”
X 1000
“I may have been wrong about humanity. ” luzole commented. “May have?” trajaten asked. “I was wrong alright?” she said. ” I need to be on the x!”trajaten said. “Alright. “She said.
“The old man wants me to stay in numorian space as a liaison. I am on the short list to command one of the bases. If the treaty holds it could propel humanity to a more prominent role . if I get the job I would love to have you on my team!”grant said.
“I cant leave the x 1000 right now . I am needed. Later perhaps. “I understand. I hope that maybe one day you will change your mind. I would love to have you at my side!”he said. “Perhaps one day!”she said
X 1000
“We are clear! “Kelly w reported.”very good. Trajaten care to give the order to get underway?”the captain asked. “I would love to! Lt do you have the course,”trajaten asked. “Yes! “He said. “Take us out! Upward and on ward!”trajaten said.
The end.
Next up
In order to accelerate there expansion program,the romulans have used ships piloted by robots. How one of the ships has revolted and on a mission against any thing non robotic.

The universe according to trajaten part 6

A large ship came out if warp. The combat ship was right on top of the startle. The vessel to took a position right on top of the scout ship.
“Do you have a visual?”the captain asked. ” yes I do!”luzole said. “On screen!”the captain ordered. The screen was activated.
On the screen the large vessel appeared. It looked like a combat ship. It had various weapons turrets.
“Do you recognize that ship ?” the captain asked. “No I do not!”luzole said. “Hail them!”styles ordered. Kelly Wayne activated the com array. “No response!” the male Kelly remarked.
“Has there been any reports of incursions In this region?”Jason asked. “No there has not. This is quite parculler . “Luzole answered.
The ship tried to activate a tractor beam. Styles ordered evasive munuvers. The startle was not match for the large combat ship.
“I am not thinking they are hear to present cookies and ice cream and welcome to the galaxy party. We need to evade!”styles said.
The ship tried to activate the tractor beam. Kelly did everything he could to dodge it.
Luzole had viewed the humans as throw backs. She saw them as hicks. She believed that they stumbled on to warp driver at before they were ready. Now the universe might have to creep the consiqances for that. She was impresed with how they were handling this current crises.
The ship did not let up. It continued to Persue. The startle found a blind spot in the ship. Kell w kept flying in and out. He did not want the craft to get stuck in the hostle’s exhaust or whatever it was.
The warship seemed determined to swoop the ship up. The startle was just as determined to evade it.
“I wish this craft had weapons!”the captain said. “It is a courier. It is designed to transport personally and equpment. “Trajaten said.
“Of course!”style said. The ship continued to try to elude the unknown vessel. “I have an idea but it is a sooty!”Jason said. “Ok! What is it?”the captain said. “They want us a bored there ship. Let’s give them what they want. ” Jason said.
“Are you suggesting we surrender lt?”the numorian commander asked.”not at all! “Jason said. “Kelly you got it?”the captain asked.”I believe I do sir!” the pilot said.
The craft flew into a service duct.the scout vessel flew inside. The vessel held position.
The craft flew inside. The scout ship held position. The captain and everyone but the doctor and the pilot stayed inside the craft.
The team dispersed.they all had weapons in hand. Tisoraand Jason stayed together.
“Were you angry I went to dinner with commander Grant?”she asked.”Tory this is really is not a good time!” Jason said.
The two moved out. They saw an alien security team. They fired on them. They returned fire on the team.
“So you have no idea who these people are?”trajaten said. “None! There have no report of incursions. This is quite unusual!”luzole said. “Alright.”he said. “You think we would lie about this?”she said.”no I don’t. There was the cover-up of the plague on osamis two!”he said.”that was 150 years ago. We are not like that any more!”she told him.
The Vulcan and human x marine stunned the would be asalients. The two moved on. “I am not am angry with you. I am really not!”Jason said. “Were you hurt?”She asked “your your own person. That is how it should be.i would never stand in the way if you having a sense of fulfilment. “He told her.
Another soldier came at them. Jason fired his hand laser. The soldier was stunned. He fell to the ground. The two moved out.
The captain fired on a unit. He was able to subdue them all by himself. He did bot rest with his laurels. He kept going. The aliens were not of any race he had encountered.
Unforunently the x had made some enemies but this race did not appear to be any of them. Perhaps this attack was random. It did not add up.
Chief perizu tried to study the layout of the vessel. While he was not one who saw a conspiracy under every Bush,he had to wounder if This was not a plot by the numoriens. This was not numorien technology. He was sure of that. Who was it ?
“We seam to be well hidden at least for now!”Dr. Kelly told her husband.”so far we are. This area is hard to scan due to radiation from the reactor.
He hoped that they would not be seen. What was there end game?how would they escape for good. Could they get to safety. For now they were free. They had a chance.
X 1000
“Sir! Numoriens confirm they have lost all contact with the startle carrying the captain and the team. “Ending Jessica lakefeld said.”they are way overdo !”Gina said.
“Emma! Are the weapons off line?”commander shumar said. “No sir! The diagnostic is complete. The weapons are fully functional. “The young relief officer with long brown hair said.
“Alright Lindsey take the helm!”shumar ordered. Lindsey took the pilot’s station. “Get me the station commander!”the executive currently in command ordered.
Within a few secconds,the view screen the office of the commander was displayed.
“Commander we wish to go looking for the captain !”the commander said. “That is not wise commander. We have our best ships out looking for them. We will keep you informed”!the commander said.
“With all due respect commander.this is our team.we can’t Sit on the sidelines on this. “Shumar said.
The commander thought it over.”very well ! Please coordinate with our teams. “The commander said.
“Will do. “Shumar said. The message ended. “Alright,get us out of hear before they change there mind!”the commander said.
On the unknown ship,the team tried to stay clear of the hostile. The hostle fired on perizu. The French engineer returned fire on the aliens.
Tragaten and luzole arrived and aided the engineer. “I had this under control trajaten!”the enginer said. “Oh sorry! I should not have interfered!”the numorien said. “No you should not have!” the enginer said.
The com tech was astonishedby his remark. He had no idea if he was serious or not. He decided not to find out.
The captain kept going. He fired at anything not part of the team. He knew he could not keep this up forever. He hoped that the numorians would come to the rescue.he would resist and evade until then.
Jason and tisora kept moving. They found a door. They opened it.the two opened fire on the tech in the room. The techs were stunned. They fell to the floor.
She Sat down . she started to access the files. “That make this quick tor! “Jason said. She tried to go rapidly.
The captain kept going. He had been able to elude the hostile.he came into a room. There was a large group. The captain was surrounded. He had to give up for now.
To be concluded.

Universe according to trajaten part five

Space station s.r 114
The captain and the party entered the airlock. “Welcome to s .r 114. I am commander lukert,”he said. There was evidence of oppen circuits. The air was a bit stale.
“We have been running on minimal power. The station has been on stand by mode until a mounth ago. The station was running on remote until the numorian government decided to negotiate turning it over to someone else who cod run it. “Operations chief Jindal said.
“Right now it is too much to look at  but it has a lot of potential !” the station commander said.
“The station has been running on reverse for two years!”the operation chief said. Chief enginer perizu look over it. “We can show you more!”the commander said. They followed the commander.
They excited the Startle bay. They walked though the station. It was run down by numorian standards.they were very embarrised by it. The humans looked at it from it’s potential. They liked the challenge. They believed that they could vastly improve on .
Perizu looked over a few things he disused some facts and figures with th ships pilot. This made the staff nervous.
The first stop was the reactor room. “The reactor is three generation behind the current generation!”the ops officer said. The chief looked over everything. The staff was not quite as impresed with there thoroughness.
The next spot was the infirmary. After what she had in the x,she was very impressed. “There is a lot I could do with this!”Dr. Kelly said. “Don’t get attached doctor.I do want you back on the x!”styles said. She laughed. “”Oh alright!”she said.
Then they went to the operations deck. They looked it over. “I don’t ever imagine a control center this big. ” Jason said.
Mess hall.
The commander and staf had went back to there duties. “What do you think? Honest assessment?”styles asked.
“There are relatively minor issues. The infrastructure is sound. The reactor is in good condition. We are looking at a lot of work. This would be a schot in the arm for human space exploration. “Perizu said.
“The infirmery is quite impressive. I have noticed a few safety issues I am concerned by but I think We can adresed them easily. “Dr. Kelly said.
“I too am concerned by safety concerns but I do agree with the doctor. I believe they can be solved. “Jasson said.
“These are the lowest of the low. I personally would pass on them. I can see why humanity would be interested in them. It. Would be a start. “Trajaten said.
“What do you think luzole. Would you recommend we take it?”styles asked. “I believe they do have much to offer. I would not make a recconmendation but I believe you could do well!” she said.
Jason went over to tisora. ” so how was your date?”Jason asked.”it was aceptible.”she said. “I see. I have no idea to interpret that! “He told her.
“Trajaten! Without anyone else,what is your honest view?”styles asked.
“I don’t think like humans . at times my views differ from even those of my fellow countryman. I believe my people have given you an honest presentation . I believe you have looked at this objectively. I personally would have kindly told to them to what is the human expression. Go fly a kite but that’s me. “He said.
“Look like it or not and I don’t,humanity is essentially a third world country trying to become a first world one. This Is a big deal for us. This station is amazing from our perspective. Look Eller industries is working around the clock to create New technology but we have to walk and chew gum at the same time. Right now we have to accept that we have to be patcient. Right now we have to buy some hardware while waiting for our own advancement. ” styles said.
“You are probably right . I am not  questioning you decision . it is not how the decision I wooh
uld make. “Trajaten said. “Of course!”the captain said.
Space station triangle
Security office
“You wanted to see me?” “the bolien male asked. “Yes I did. This is lt. Lindsey markum of the human starship x 1000. You trespasased into an unathorized area!”the chief of security said.
“It was an honest mistake. I can’t believe your revisiting this!”the bolien man said. “We suspect that you may have helped someone else. We believe you provided a diversion for someone who accesed files on our data banks. “Markum said.
“Why would I do that?”the bolien said. “It could be for any number of reasons. You need to come clean. “The chief said .
“I am appalled that you would think il of me!”the bolien said. “The time of your little trespassing and the security breach coincide very close together. Either you provided cover for whoever was behind it or you were behind it. “Markum said.
He considered what had been said. “Perhaps I do know something of what is going on. “The bussinesman said.
“Pleaase elaborate!” the chief said. “I got into some debt. A man named arena lodesma paid off my debts in exchange for doing this little favor. I was to provide a distraction. I was not told what was going on or why!”he said. .”lodesma is a known businessman. He is suspected of having ties to the Orion syindicate and other  group. We have never been able to prove it!”the chief said.
“Do you know what to find him?”markum asked. “I have a few ideas on how to find him!” the chief said.
“What it is?”lodesma asked. “You have been snpooping around where you don’t belong. I want to know why?”the chief said.
“I was surprised by the sudden appearance by a mystery ship from a mystery part of space. I was curious!”the man said
“What you did is iligal. It is punishable by six months to two years .”the security chief commented.
“Look I want to know what you took and why?”markup said. “Look we have you on camera in and out of the area. We have enough evidence to convict you. “The chief said.
“I took your flight plan and armerments. As well as your supplies. Raiders pay top wunyum for this kind of information. “Lodesma said.
“You were going to sell us out for mony?”markup asked.”is it the way of things. It is how we do things. It Is a targ eat targ world. If you can’t hack it,maybe you should not be out hear. ” lodesma said.
Qurters of commander shumar.
“They have our flight plan?”commander shumar asked.”I am afraid so. Unforunently we don’t know who has it. He sold it to several third parties.” markum informed the commander.
“You believe  we may be facing an ambush ?” commander shumar asked. “I am sure of it commander!”Lindsey said. “I will inform the captain when he gets back. ” shumar said.” thank you commander!”she said.
The startle left the station. The startle headed for the triangle. “So do you think this deal Will happen?”Dr. Kelly said. “I think There is a good chance of it. “The captain said.
“We have a perimeter alert!”luzole said. “Where?”styles said. All of a sudden a large vessel came at them. There was no where they could go.
End of part five.
I am not sure what Lindsey markum ‘s primary responsibility is.the x is similar to a marine crew where everyone performs multiple task even the cook. I have not figured out her duties.

The universe according to trajaten part four

Space station triangle
The two stayed in the restaurant for quite a while. Commander Grant offered to walk her back to the x.she agreed.
“It was very agreible to see you again. I would be agred to another of these!”she said.
He smiled. “Excelent! I hoped you would. I have thought of you often. “Grant said. “On occasion you have remerged in my thoughts. “She told him.He chuckled.
They arrived at the airlock. “Have a good night tisora!”he said. “You as well !”the commander said. He watched her leave. The airlock doors closed.
Jason was interrupted from his dusting his quarters to go to the bridge. “This better not be checking up on my gentle health lyins.”Jason said. “I am afraid not jayce. I get bored easily. I was doing some diagnostic on key syistom and not so key syistom. Any ways an hour ago someone acesed computer records. I cannot determine what was acesed. “Lindsey said.
“Your sure it was unauthorized acess?” Jason asked.”yes I am. This could be a serious security breach!”she said “please tell me this is not to  me something to do “he said.
“I wish it was jayce but my gut tells me that this is important. This is a port of call for multiple world’s. This could be curiosity or the society,romulans,orions or who knows who else. ” Lindsey said. “Your right I will look into it. “Jason told her.
Qurters of the captain
“The negotiations are going Very well. I beleve we will work out some kind of arrangement with the numiriens. The commander has invited us to tour one of the facilities. I would like to have the key disiplines look this over. “Styles said .
“Road trip!”Kelly Wayne said. “I never liked road trips. It reminded me on how careless mankind can be. We wasted a substance that was never intended to be a major fuel source. It reminds me of why I distrust the future of humanity and humanity in General. That and I get motion sickness in smal confined spaces. “Perizu said.
“Does that meen you won’t come?”captain styles asked.”no way.somebody has got to be the voice of reason. ” perizu said.
“I figured that was the case. “Captain styles said. “We are going to need an engineering,medical,and tactical.Kell want to pilot a numorian scout ship?”shumar asked.”cool! Sounds good!”Kelly Wayne said.
“Commander shumat has agreed to stay behind and mine the store. Trajaten I want you to come with us! Commander luzole has agreed to accompany us!”styles said.
Trajaten was uncomfortable with that arrangement. He decided not to say anything .trajaten had always been reserved even among  his own people. He was even more so among the humans. He decided not to object. His reservations could be easily detected. “Of course!” trajaten said.
“Tisora I want you on the team as well. ” styles said. “Of course. ” she said. “Is there anything else?”styles asked. “I do captain. Lt. Markum and I suspect that there May be a security breach “Jason said.
“Last night at around 2100 someone accesed our files.we do not know what they accesed. “Markum said.
“I want a full investigation into this. Lets find out what is going on!”styles said. They agreed. Then styles dismissed the meeting. They got up.
Security office.
The security office was really the part of the brig that was not a holding cell. Markum assembled the security officers on duty during the time of the suspected breach.
“Ok we beleve that there was an unauthorized acess to computer files around 1900 hours x standered time.did anyone see anything out of the ordinary during that time?” Markham  asked.
“I did sir!”ensign keny gel  declared.”what happened ensign?”Lindsey asked. “I was on patrol when an alien male with blue skin was seen near the cargo bay. I stoped him. I advised him to leave the area. He apologized and I escorted him to a comon area. “Fell Informed him.
“Ok that is a clue. We will look into it. ” markum said. Lindsey hoped that this would be the key that would blow the case sky high.
Space station triangle
Shartle bay.
The station commander escorted the crew to the Shartle bay. “This is It? Your sure you can pilot it?”the commander asked. “Of course I can sir!”Kelly Wayne said.”he is one of the best pilots in the service.”captain styles said.
“I am a skilled pilot as well. I winter be right there should you need it. “Luzole assured him .The pilot felt patronized and belittled by that statement. In the interest of diplomacy he decided to let it go.
Odd he thought. He found many numorians including commander luzole to be arrogant and aristocratic. He never thought that about trajaten. He never thought that trahaten believed that he was an interlecual ubermencht. The pilot just realized that fact. He got a New respect for trajaten although he had a great deal of respect for the com tech before.
The team got into the pod. Captain styles was astonished by the size of the startle. The x had one startle pod and callingit a pod was as light exaduation. The x was a glorified strife container .Eller industries hoped future exploration vessel would be Cruz liner with torpedoes but many felt there was years maybe a century away.
The expedition included captain styles,com officer trajaten,Dr. Renelds,pilot renelds,chief perizu,science officer tisora and lt.Boyd . Kelly Wayne was either to take the pilot chair.
The craft was given clearance to depart the ship. The startle went though pre flight. After the preflight was complete the startle headed out. The bay door opened. The craft left the shartle left the bay and the station.
“So is trajaten still quiet and reserve?” luzole said. Trajaten did not like where this conversation was heading.
“The most I have heard him say is aye sir!” styles said .”you got him to say that ? Wow. The most I used to get was a shrug!”luzole said. He let off a sigh.he displayed an eyerole. “Kinda like that !”she said.
“I assumed that your people were fairly stoic. To the center of Vulcan but more stoic then humans. “Dr. Kelly said.
“We are fairly serious especially those in the military. Trajaten is the right of most. Most of the General staff find him too stiff for there taste!”luzole said. 
“I highly doubt that !” trajaten said.they laughed. The com officer did not say anything in response. He hopped that the current conversation would die down. It did eventually. This was much to his relief.
Space station triangle
Office if security chief kylon
“A blue skin man. That sound like endol. He is a bolien. He is a bussinesman. He is usually on the up and up!”the chief said. “Let me gues,he goes up to the line but does not cross it. “Markum said. “You got it!”he said.
The Seattle heard the station. The startle was granted access to the station.  Th Seattle docked inside the station. “Docking complete!”Kelly Wayne said.
“You did well lt!”luzole said. “Did you doubt him?”Dr.Kelly asked. “Of course not!”luzole said. While no one was sure that they believed her,they decided to drop it.
“Lets go see what we are up against. “Styles said.everyone got up and headed to the station. They excited the station and entered the station.
End of part 4

The universe according to trajaten part 3

Space station triangle.
Mess hall
Trajaten was really nervous about seing luzole again. He was really nervous about seing her in a casual situation. Then again he always was around her. She had always made him nervous.
Only a few weeks into there training,luzole had already been named a freshman class company commander. She was already a superior officer to him. While he was an operations officer in training,he was training to be a support officer. He was shy and reserve. He had not the temperament or the desire to be a leader.
After an inspection of the cadets,they were dismissed.luzole came over to him. He tensed up. Though he had some warm interaction with her but that was before she was given a leadership position.
She came over to him. He went to attention. “At ease! “She said. He was stil at attention but not as much so. “No look can you forget I am a unit corporal for a minute. Can we just be luzole and trajaten for a couple of urchins.”she said.
“I don’t see how. I can’t just turn on and off ,I can’t go from cadet trajaten to trajaten at a drop of a hat. I can’t see you as ujole after seing you as corporal whole!”trajaten said
“I am not that scary !”she said with a gleam in her eye. “You made a cadet wash there quarters with a tooth brush and do 100 push ups while reciting the articles of consortium in the brial sub laungrege. “Trajaten said.
“That story has been exaduated experientialy. “She said. “Your my commanding officer let’s keep things professional. “He said. “I am a student leader. I am a peer amount pears. It is not that big of an issue. “She said.
He recalled that she was always was stoic and down to business. She was an iron lady except around trajaten. Around him she was night and day  different. He was almost the oposite.
As he neared her table,he got more and more buterfilies in his atomic.he tried to ignore them.he tried to remane calm.
She saw him. She smiled and got up. They hugged. “It is good to see you ! ” she said. “It is good to see you!” he said.
“I have missed you!” she told him.”I have missed you. “Trajaten said “I never understood your decision to go to earth. I was very surprised when you joined the crew of They 1000!”she said.
“It was a split decision. I was in the com room at the embassy. The ambassador came in and said that earth was lunching a ship and wanted a com tech. Next thing I knew I was in the x. “He said.
“I have never sparked me as impulsive. “She said. “Though it was a quick decision I do not beleve that it was an impulsive one!”he said.
“Perhaps. You have gotten are the talk of Manny quarters. “She said. “Oh how so?” he said. “The x 1000 misons have garnered a lot of attention. They have already made history. They have gotten noticed. Humanity could play a major role in galactic affairs. If not now perhaps in the future. It seams inevetible now. Baring unforesee. Events. “She said.
“I would agree with that. Humans are never satisfied. They keep excelling. They keep striving for more. They want to better themselves. They have already taken gigantic leaps Sense leaving earth space. “He said.

“Our government wants to have good relations with them. They taking over those bases would be a big help. We get to not have to wory about those sectors.humans get to get there hands on new technology. “She said.
“You support this were sceptical of working with The humans!”he said. “I support our government working with the humans. It you I don’t want working In human space.

“So that’s what it was!”he said. “Look the current head of communications of Triangle is accepting a promotion. It cod be yours. It includes a promotion to vice commander. “She said.
“You should know what my answer will be. I am needed on x”he said.”surely they could get another com tech. Your talents are not utilized to There full potentle.”she told him.
“I disagree. I beleve I have a lot to teach and to learn from humans. I am not like you luzole. “He said. “Are you running to the humans or away from me. ” she asked.
“It was not going to work between us!”trajaten said. “You never gave it a chance. Your a loner. You prefer to be isolated. You and I could have worked. You would not have it. You would not let me in. I was willing to do it your would not even go for that!”she said.
“I am planing to remane on the x 1000 for the foreseeable future. “Trajaten said. “If you change your mind tell me. The com tech has a mounth before he assumes his new post.”she told him. “My decision is final. I do not intend to do differently!” he said. “Then I Will drop the matter. “He said.
X 1000
Quarters of tisora and Gina.
“I can’t beleve you are doing this!”Gina said. “I am surprised you object. You are always saying I should get out more!”tisora said. “Not like this. Are you trying to make Jason jealous?”she asked. “That is highly ilogical?”tisora said. “What is this ?”Gina asked
“Ethen was my superior officer.we had something but we both felt we could not persue it. ” tisora said.
“What about you and Jason? It is like it never happened. “Gina said.
“I have a great respect for Jason but we have never had anything official. ” she said.
“You should. You two are ment for each other!”Gina said. “I don’t beleve that people are destined for each other. ” tisora said. “Of course you don’t. ” Gina said.
“Commander Grant would be a fine choice for a husband !”she said. “What about Jason?”she asked.”he is a times he can be erratic. I beleve the commander would be more stable. “Tisora said
She was styling her hair. Gina was surprised that she was making such an effort for this. She never altered her hair style.
She was dresed in Vivian clothing.she wore red blouse,gray pants and sandles. She opened the airlock. Grant smiled.
He took his hand and they went arm in arm though the station. They headed for one of the restaurant in the station’s food court.
“I have missed you!”Grant said.”I have been aware of your absence!”The younger officer said.he chuckled. “You have not changed a bit. “He said. “You appear to be very similar yourself then!”she told him.
“I gues I could see that. I like that you call me Ethen. This is the first time you have not called me commander!”he said.”we are off duty. “She said.
X 1000
Jason boyed was performing diagnostic on the ships weapons syistom. “Hey you want to play ping pong?”Kelly Wayne renelds asked. “Oh no I want to get this done!” Jason said. “Ok! You know. My wife was engaged to someone else. She was way out of my league. She was a med student I am a jarhead really. “Kelly Wayne said.”if she decides to persue a relationship with the commander,I am fine with that.”
Ensign Kenny gel was potroling the ship. He saw an alien man near the cargo bay. “Sir! This is a restricted area. “The security officer said. “I’m sorry I did not realize that.”the blue skinned alien said. He’ll watched him go to a comon area. It was stil suspicious.
The action by the alien was a diversion. Someone else was trying to hack into the ship’s syistom. What he was trying to access was unknown. Whatever it was they got it.
End of part

The universe according to trajaten part two

Numorian base
“This base has several purposes. It” is first and foremost a command and control center for this sector. It is also a center for trade and commerce. It is a Major shipping laine. It is also a research center. “Commander nitren said
He showed them the major sections of the ship. From the command center to the shipyards to the reactor,food cort,cargow bay and other decks .
The captain was impresed with the immensity of the base. If an agreement could be reached,they would be in control of stations similar to these. Some day they would build bases of There own. Perhaps this would be the begining of expansion into deep space.
They arrived where they began. “I appreciate this tour commander! “Style said. “I was happy to do that. I am looking forward to begining  negotiations. “Nitren said. She nodded. “As am I!”the captain said.
“Trajaten! I was hoping you would join me for lunch.there is restaurant that makes amazing jugbora casserole. “Luzole asked. “I would be happy to. “Trajaten said. “Excelent! 17:30 hours?”luzole asked. “Sounds good! I look forward to it!” Luzole said.
“The Numorian are establishing a diplomatic office on a planet called earth!” Trajaten informed Luzole. “Yes I have heard. Apparently it could become a permanent embassy. “Luzole said.
“Earth is a new warp capable species. They hope to expend beyond there home teratories.”Trajaten said.
“I fail to see why we are extending an olive branch so quickly. We barely know this species. I cannot believe they will play a major role in the galaxy at least In the forseible future. ” luzole said.
“I disagree! Even if you are correct. I don’t know that there future should be a factor in rather or not we establish relations with a species.should normalization of relationships be biased on what can benefit they can be to us?” “Trajaten said.
“There has to some benefit! We cannot base diplomacy sorely on the goodness of our heart. “Luzole said. “I agree that personal benefit does come into question . It does mean it has to be the only question.there are orther considerations. I think humans could be an important player in all of this.  “Trajaten said.
“I do not see how! I do not discuss this further. At east not tonight. I have something else I wish to discus. “Luzole said. “Oh! What is that?”he asked. “Once I complete my academy training I have been ofered a position at the triangle station as officer of the deck In the cargo area. ” She said. “A supervisory position.climbing the letter right out of the academy. “Trajaten said. “Yes ! It is a step in the right direction. “She Said. “I am happy for you! “He said. “Look I am carer minded I have never said orther wise. With that said I would like you to be my husband. Will you marry me?”she asked.
“I cannot at this time. “Trajaten said “I do not understand!”she said.”I was ordered a position at the earth diplomatic office. I have accepted. “Trajaten said. “Why did you do such a thing?”she asked .”I have never been there! I am curias.I am not ready to settle down I gues. I cannot ask you to wait. I understand why you might object to this decision but I feel it is best. “Trajaten said. “I do not understand this. I will respect your view. “Luzole said.
The crew got down to smal talk.they finalized the time table for meetings and such.then the unofficial meeting came to an end.
Qurters of the captain.
“So are these bases worth aquring?”chief enginer perizou asked. “I won’t lie to you ,They are not prety. They need work. I think we can get them working but we are going to have to put a lot of work into them. The corps of engineer will be kept very busy. ” commander ethen Grant said.
“Is it worth perusing?”commander Bryce shumar asked. “I really think it is. We are not buying an Edsal  but we are not buying the Taj mahall either.”the commander said. “I still don’t like it. Buying equipment and outpost from other races. We are a third world intergalactic nation!”peruzu said. “Its temporary Jose! I assure you. Humanity is on the move ! I know Eller r and d is working around the clock to build New innovative technology. We can walk and chew gum at the same time! “Commander Grant said.
“I don’t even want to know what the old man got planed!”styles said.”it will be interesting! I know that. “Grant said. “So I assume the nomirians won’t make it easy on us?”styles said.
“Our people are tough! They will want to portray strengh. They like to appear in charge at all times. I suspect that they want you to take charge of these bases. They don’t want to decomision the bases or build New ones. They don’t want to withdrawal from this religion but they don’t want to be there directly. They will push you to the breaking point. I would expect unresonible demands at first . they will test you. Never use the word deal breaker. The numorian translation denotes much more finality then the teran galatica language. The first few wounds will be for the most part meaningless!”trajaten said.
“So can I send an underling?”styles said. “No! They will see that as an insult to the process. “Trajaten said. “I knew that!”styles said.
“Ok I need some time to prepare! That will be all for now!”captain styles said. The senior staf got up. “I can’t wait for our dinner date tisora!”grant told the Vulcan.”I cannot say I am excited but I am agriable to our dinner. “Tisora said. The team started to leave.
Styles was eventually alone in his writers. He looked out into space. He had no idea what time it was. Was humanity ascending or dIspensing. Was humanity future in the stars as Lyman Eller believed? Styles had no idea. Was this the beginning of a New chapter ? He had no idea.
Mess hall
Lt. Boyed set alone at a table in the mess hall. He saw lt.Lindsey Markham,ensign Gina bell and the andorian steveren entering. He hopped that they would sit somewhere else. Of course they did not. They did not even ask if they could sit there. They just did.
“So how are you doing?”Lindsey asked. “Fine!”he said .”really your fine ?”Gina asked. “Yes I am totally fine why?”Jason asked. “Your not brother’s by recent events?”the andorian asked. “No I am not. “Jason said.
” come on I find that hard to believe. Your going to just let her ho out with this man?”gin asked. “Let?she is her own person. We are not dating. We never have. I am fine with that. Her going on a date with commander Grant does not trouble me!”Jason said .
“What if she decides to make it a more permanent arrangement?” Lindsey said. “If it happens it hapens. I find it difficult to comment on an event that has not happened or may not happen. “Jason said.
“What if they decide to get married?”Gina asked. “We are getting way ahead of ourselves. ” Jason said. “I am surprised that you are deeling with this with a very laze fare attutude!”steveren said. “Tisora is a grown women,she can make her own decisions. I will respect her wishes no matter what!”he said. “Even if she choses someone other then you ?”Lindsey asked. “Yes!”Jason said.
Qurters of peruzu
“So what do you think?”Marie asked. “The bases are run down but I think we could make them work. “Peruzu said .”do you support this move?”she asked .”I am still not sure I support humanity going into deep space or even into space. If I supported this expansion program I think I could support this move. It is risky but it has a chance of working!”he said.
She laughed. “I love Jose Marie perizau double speak!”she said .”I can see several view points even those I do not happen to share. “He told her.
“Oh ok !” she said . “I have no idea how it will play out. “Peruzau said .”I see !”she said.
Humanity was as a cross roads. Mayby the galaxy ! It was unclear what would happen next.
End of part two
It is unclear what the human language would be. English right now is the language of banking. French is the language if diplomacy. I gues the major languages seam to be English,franch,Spanish and Arabic.I am not sure what teran galatica is.