Vulcan heart part four

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Qurters of lt. Lindsay markum
Lt. Markum loved to paint. It was one of her favorite pass times. She did not think she was very good. She enjoyed doing it. It was for her own enjoyment not for anyone else. She hid it from everyone. She wanted to keep it qiet.
The chime rang. She quickly put the art work away. She got up and went over the door. She unlocked the door. Then she opened the door.
The door opened,she saw on the other side,commander bryce shumar. “Commander! Come on in!”markum said. The commander entered. “Please sit down !”she said. He folowed her invitation and sit down.
“How can i help you commander?”she asked. “Lindsay i need your help!”shumar said. “Sure. I will help any way i can. “She informed him. “A shop keaper on the planet is dead. The perpritrator apears to be lt. Tisora. The evidence clearly shows her as that perpitrator. “Shumar said.
“Do you believe that she did commit this crime?” Lindsay asked. “I tend to think she did baised on the information i have.i know tisora. I know her to be an honorable person. These two things are contridictory. I canot easily dismis either of these things. “He said.
“I see. “Lindsay said. “She has been placed under arest. The captain wants someone to do an independent and inpartial investigation. Sense you just got hear and you have worked for jag you seam a good canidate to conduct an investigation Sutch as this. “Shumar said.
“I will need her service file and personal bio. I will need evaluations as well!” She said. “Of course. Anything you need. “Shumar said.
“I need you to know that i am a straght schoter. I am only interested in the truth. “Lindsay said. “I know. That’s what we both want. You do what you have to. “Shumar said.”i will find the truth whatever it is. “She asured him.
Planet dibiasie four
Captain styles took a traval pod from the obital station to the planet. From there he took a shartle buss to the local police beracks.
There were people everywhere. There was everything from onlookers,curiosity seakers ans media members. The arest had seamed to create interest in the common people and the media. The police was there but held back. The increased presence was a concern but they did not want to surpress the right of the people to know what was going on.
Captain styles arived ans tried to get to the entrence. It was not so easy getting pass the throng. He pushed to get to the door. It was not an easy task. No one seamed to want to move. He finally made it to the ingress.
“I’m sory sir. I must ask you to step back. “The porter said. “Officer i am captain corner styles. I command the ship that tisora served on. I would like to speak to someone in authority. “Styles said.
The porter contacted his imidiate supervisor. Styles was brought into a waiting area. Then he was brought to the officer in charge.
“This is colnel jurnat,commander of beracks 13 for the regional authority of debiedisen public safety and security. “An officer said. “You may wait outside coperal!”the colnel said. The gaurd did so. The door closed.
” it does not look good for your crewman captain. We have multiple witneses who saw your officer open fire on the shopkeper. We have her confesson.”he said.
The lt activated the screen. He saw her and an investigator. “Please begin!”the investigator asked. “I was in the market place. I was with lt. Boyed. I conversed with several murchents. I spoke to the murchent who i later killed briefly. Lt. Boyed left me.i saw a pistol near the murchent. I picked it up and schot him. I was then serounded. Then the police arived”she said.
“Why did you schoot him?”the officer asked. “I don’t know. I remember doing it. I don’t know why. It was like i was watching it happen. I dont remember what i thought or if i thought. “She said.  “Freze program. “It seams like a cut and dry case captain!”jurat said. “What will happen next?”styles asked. “She will apear before a megistrate. The megustrate will decide if he should be refered for proscution. If she is reminded to trial,a jurry will be inpanelled. I must warn you that we do have the death penalty. Our people are not friendly to murder especially muder commited by off worlders. ” Jurat said.
“Captain this makes no sense!”Jason’s said. “I agree but the evidence seams clear. She did confess. “The captain said.”one question i had is where did the pistol come from?”Jason said.
Qurters of lt. Lindsay markum
“Computor. Call up service record,lt jr grade tisora!”she said. On the view screen was the oficial file of tisora. 
Born on earth in sanfransisco in the north american association. Her perents were teserek and terara. Her farther was a member of the vulcan vilage assambly and a member of the.sanfransisco bored of supervisors. Her morther was a doctor and served as citty clerk. Tisora attended west point military academy and eller traning institute. She worked for several branches of eller industeries including the space divison. She looked over her comindations and recormendations.and citations witch were manny. This hardly sounded like a cold blooded killer. Lindsay had to learned to always dig deeper. She believed at the end of inocence or nieveity lied the truth.
“Computer. Psicological profile of lt tisora,security overide special investigation clearence gamma ecco, ecco ,tango abraxis.”she said. The profile was typical for a vulcan. She was objective,stoic and even kealed. Nothing that signaled any red flags. There was no concern. She had passed every review including one conducted just before the x.left earth space. Lindsay wanted to know more. She closely scrutinized the reports. She tried to find something ,anything that could shed light on this. So far she came up empty.
“Doctor renelds!”Lindsay said. “Hello lautanent. How can i help you?”she asked. “I have been put in charge in the investigation into the murder on the serface. I need tisora’s medical files. I nead you to turn it over to me!”she said.
“I know the procedure. Those files are usually confidential !”the doctor said. “I know. This is a capital case doctor. I need to look at everything !”Lindsay said. “You need this?”kelly asked. “I would not request it if i did not. “She said.
“I don’t know you. I have no idea if you can be trusted!”kelly said. “Look i have no axe to grind. The first duty of an any eller employee is to the truth. That is all i am interested in. “Lindsay said.
“If she is guilty,you will throw her to the wolves?”the doctor asked. “That is not my call!” Lindsay said. “Of course not!”she said.
“Please i need your files. I will go to the eller’s vp of heath and welness if i have to. I don’t want to go over your head. Please don’t make me. “Lindsay said. “Fine! I will have it transfered to your qurters!”kelly said. “Thank you!”Lindsay said. “Don’t make me regret it!”she said.
She returned to her queters. The files were open. She had injuries from a fall as a kid. This was interesting. She had been injured in a shartle acident over titen a few years erlier.
The shartle had left on its traning run. Tisora was an excellent officer. She decided to try out for a special unit,a marine unit traned mostly in search and rescue but also in smal combat opetations sutch as hostege rescue. Tisora had been recomended by her c.o.
“We are now in position !”the co pilot reported. “Ok recruits. The fun begins now and goes down hill from there. Fire after the nightmere!”the commander said.  On the sergent’s order, the team jumped off of the craft. They were all in e.v.a suits. Tisora folowed the orthers. “Sir i am detecting a malfunction in ensign tisora’s suit!”A tech said. “Ensign tisora come back!”the sergent said.
Saturn general hospital
“Your daughter went without oxygen. We do know the extent of the damage for a while!”the doctor said. “Is she awake?”her morther said. ” She is in a coma at present. We are waiting to see what happens!”the doctor said.
  Markum took notes. She spent mounths in rehab. She then decided to rejoin eller industries. Could this be some kind of mentle break down due to her previous truma?
Dibiasie 4
Court room
“Have you been able to see her?”jason asked. “They won’t let me .not until she has been before a controling ligal authority. “Styles said.
The balith called the season to order.”miss tisora you stand acused of premeditated murder. Do you have a decleration?” The judge asked. “Yes i do your justice. I declare that i qm guilty!”she said. Jason heart sank. He wished that this was not happening.
The end.

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