Beyond vega part five

“Acting captain’s log, our ship is atempting to get out of this reigion and return to earth controled space. We suspect that those that unlesed a toxin harmful to males of our crew now plan to attack us”
“We are perpairing to strike back before they can strike us. It is a risk. We have no chioce at this point. We have to fight or be destroyed. We chose to fight!”
“I have found them! Detecting one heavy crusher and three escort vessels. “Tivora said.
“We cannot hope to defeat them!” Steveren said. “Its either take on the fleet or take on the meteors! “Lindsey said. “I know. You must know there is no way that we can sucesfully take on those ships !” The andorian said.
  “I know my duty! I don’t believe that there is truly anything that is imposible. I believe that anything is possible if you try hard enough !”markum said. “Do you know how silly that sounds?” The andorian asked.
“Alter course! Head right for them!” Lindsey ordered. Marie complied. “On course!”she said.
Alien vessel
“They are heading right for us!”the sansor officer reported “they are no match for us. They must know how fool hardy this is !”the weapons officer said.
“I suspect they do but they know that they don’t have any other choice! They are traped and they know that! “The commander said.
” They will be in fireing range shortly excellentcy.”the sansor officer reported. The commander waited for the ship to arive.
Tivora and emma studied the data on the enemy ships. They compared there capibilities with the capibilities of the hostile ships.
They knew that it was going to be a tall order to overpower or outrun the hostiles. There was little chioce.
“You think we will make it?”emma said. “The ods are a but bleak but acording to the ods we should have exploded in our first couple of weeks in operation. “Tivora said.
“I just can’t see us making it out of this one. ” Emma said. “Don’t give up. This is not over yet!” Tivora said. “Oh ok!” Emma said.
“Captain i have an idea. “Trajaten said. “Lets hear it!” Lindsey said. “Near teravien space is a area known as the gazerem. The area has zevite. My government adopted the zevite protical. If this race has never been near gezerem,they may not have a shielding against zenite!”trajaten said.
“In high doses it go destroy a ship. In low doseges  it could weaken the structural intregrety of a ship. If we can generate something similar to zenite,we may be able to slow them down !” Steveren said.
“Can you do it?”Lindsey asked. “Yes i believe i can!” Emma said.”do it!”Lindsey ordered. “It is a good idea but it may not be enough! “Steveren said. Every one gave him a dirty look.
“Target stragic areas. I want them weekond not destroyed. I don’t want to hear it steveren!”she said. “I did not say anything !”he said.
Alien ship
“Nearing the hostile !”the technician said. “Weapons on ready! “The gunner reported. ” Hear we go!”the commander said.
“Almost in fireing range!”tivora said. “Is our lite surprise ready?”Lindsey asked. “At your command!”emma said. ” target the escort ships first. Don’t hit thr morther ship until they hit us. “Lindsey instructed. “Understood!” Emma said.
The ships got closer. The two ships would soon be in range. The battle would soon begin.
“Now in fireing range!”emma said. “Get off the first schot em! Tivora! Go!”Lindsey said. The x fired several phased enurgy at a nearby escort ship.
While tivora flooded the escort ship with the zenite. They floded areas with important weapons or other equipment. The hope was to soften them up. 
The escort fired on the x. Several decks were hit. The shields were holding. There was some damage. 
“Shields at 88 percent !”emma said. ” Target an area hit by the zenite! Fire!”Addison ordered.
The x fired on the escort with a pulse canon. The area contaned a secondary turet. The turet exploded. The x also hit a com relay. The relay was knocked out. The escort vessels fired on the x. Several decks were damaged. The x held together.  The x would come back swinging.
The x fired on the second escort ship. The plasma charge hit the vessel. One of the canions was knocked off line.
The third escort vessel fired on the x. The x’s aft section was hit. A coridor exploded. The explosion spread though the deck. The deck was sealed off. Emergency bulkheads was activated.
“Shields at 68 percent !”emma said. ” the ship had held together very well considering!” Emma said. “It has indeed!”Lindsay said.
Emma found a soft spot in the first vessel. She took the initiative and fired. Multiple phase pulse hit the enemy ship. The enemy ship was hit multiple times. The ship was a siting duck.
“First vessel imobilized!” Tivora reported. The two other ships fired simultamiusly on the x. The bridge was hit.
There was a fire on the bridge. Crewman tried to put out the fire on the bridge. The ship was in trouble. Lindsay was not going to give up.
She had to prove to captain styles ,commander shumar, to the entire crew,to eller and to every one else. Most importantly she had to prove it to herself.
The x fired on the second ship. The ship had been weekond by the zenite and orther attacks. The x kept fireing. The ship was imobilzed.
“Two down one to go!”gina said.”get me a target! Make it count!”Lindsay said. Emma nodded. She ajusted her targarting sansors. She aquired the target. She presed the fire button.
The x fired several projectiles at the third escort ship. The ship was hit. “All three ships have been nutrilized!” Tivora anounced. “Very good! “Lindsay said in response. 
Alien ship
“All three ships have been nutrilized !” The science officer reported. ” How could this have hapened?” The captain asked. “What do we do now?”the first officer asked. “Open fire! We will handle this ourselves ! “The commander said.
End of part five

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