Kelly’s day part three

“Personal journal,myself,commander shumar and chief engineer perizu have arived at the narisian parliament. We have been invited into the parliament hall. We have met the speaker and are now siting down to dinner. ”
The captain and his staff followed the speaker and his staff. Acording to tradition the speaker and his enterage and his guest are brought into an inner chamber. Then they were brought to the sate dining room of the parliament.
“Ok oficial decorum states that the parliamentary security go first. The chief of the security goes last. The youngest member goes first. Unless the youngest two are the same age then it goes by mouths. ” The protical advisor said.
“I take it the youngest are seen as more vanerable!” Perizu said. Styles gave the engineer a dirty look. The protocal chief was not too impresed by the comment.
The speaker was not brothered by it. He chuckled. “Prety much. I dont view it that way!” The speaker said. “I started out as the first man. These days it is mostly syimbolic!”the head of the speaker’s detail said. The phrase mostly was probably not too comforting.
“After the security team,the speaker and his staf then the guest then a reer detail. You go to the head table. The speaker sits first then every one else. The speaker starts eating first. Then you may follow !” The protical officer said.
The three got the impreson that these people were all about the protical. They totally stuck to protical in an extremely rigid fashion. Styles woundered if earth and naros could be alies or even have normal relationship.
He would try to keep an oppen mind. This mission had already clued him into an important truth. Any contact with alien worlds would be difficult. These were different worlds. Different cultures background and laungreges. The universial translator might not work in every case.  What if the device can’t translate an idiom in a way that can be clearly understood?  It was just one of the unanswered questiones. Styles would give it a chance.
X 1000
“X 1000 log, doctor renelds curently in command. The ship is curently in orbit of the planet. All is going well. ”
  “All is qiet! ” boyd said. “Almost too qiet!” Kelly wyane said. ” Are you bored?” Steveren asked. The pilot laughed and reaplied,”maybe a little bit!” He said. “Be careful what you wish for!”dr kelly said. “I know !” He responded.
“Captain! I am picking up a distress call! It is a from a near by sector!” Trajaten reported. “Let’s hear it!” Dr. Kelly ordered.
The alien com officer transferred the audio mesege to the main bridge audio. “This is the freighter redet representing dorian two. We are part of a merchent convoy. Our convoy is under attack by the orions. We need imidiate attention !” The captain said.
“Orions!” She commented. She remembered that name well. As a child she heard the name sense she was very young. She had been afraid of them for as long as she could remember. Then she saw them first hand.
“Uncle dale why do the Orions hate us?” A young kelly asked. He huged his neice. ” It is not that they hate us personaly. They dont know us. I don’t know but i suspect that it is not personal. It is about power. The Orion have become a force by raiding ships. It is a kind of might makes right. “He said.
“They are wiling to hurt others to make there life better?” She asked. “Unfortunately yes. We humans were like that not long ago!” He said. “Are there all bad people out there?”she asked. ” No we have encounter good people and i believe more are out there!” Her uncle declared.
“You can confirm that this is the Orions?” She asked. “Confirmed. The ship’s design and configuration fully matched the known design of the Orions. ” Boys declared. Steveren looked it over. “I concer captain!” The andorian said.
“Kel set course for the convoy!” Trajaten inform the convoy that we are on our way! “Kelly ordered.
“Your not serious! The orions are not your run of the mil pirates. They are a traned and disiplined army and navy. We are one ship. We hardly have the meens to imobolize the orions!”steveren declared.
“We can work with orthers who may answer the distress call or with the convoy. We have to help! I will not sit by and do nothing !” She declared.
“Setting course!”the pilot,her husband declared. He ajusted the course. “Course set!” Kelly wyane reported.
“Sending our response to the convoy! ” trajaten reported. “This is a huge mistake captain!  We are ill equpied to deal with basically a foregn power. This is crazy!”sreveren said.
“I am in command until the captain returns. In that capacity i have isued an order. My decision is final. Is that clear civilian asvisor steveren?” Kelly ann asked.
Steveren decided that he had better back down. He did so. He decided not to challenge the acting captain.
The x 1000 left the area. The ship went to warp. It headed for the convoy. They tried to get there as soon as they could. She hoped that she would get there in time. She hoped that they would not be too late.
Convoy freighter
The orion vessels continued to pummel the convoy. The convey did there best to opose the orions.
“A ship is on there way?” The com tech said. “Only one ship?” The first officer asked. “One is better then none i sapose.mayby more will come in time!”the captain said. The captain tried to apear truth he was very concerned.
He was not sure they could hold out before help arived.they were eaqualy not as sure if only only ship arived, would it be enough?
The x headed as fast as they possibly could. The ship finally arived. The x opened fire on the orion ships.
“One ship? I am really afraid now!” Ontep said in a tone designed to mock. The crew followed suit. “Return fire!” The commander ordered.
End of part three

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