The society part 7

“You decided to stop faking your illnesses ?” Shumar asked. “I figured it was time!” Styles said. “I have created a little grief for you! “Shumar said. ” That was to be expected. I knew the situation with engstrom would be coming to a head. ” Styles said.
“Will you testify on my bahath at the court marshal?” He asked. “Count on it!” Styles said. “We suspect that a secret society is trying to start a war between Vulcan and humans. They want to create order. They believe that order can only come from them. ” Shumar said.
” it is all coming into focus. “The captain said. “We have a name. Dr. Ardilon. I suspect that he is a low level foot shodjer.  He is expendible. ” Shumar said.
  Combat ship
” ready?” Dr. Ardilin asked. ” The decoy is in place!”the telerite said. “Send the distress call!” Dr. Ardilon ordered. “Sending!” The ithimite said.
X bridge
“We are receving a distress call ! Earth cargo ship ,they claim to be under attack by vulcans!”trajaten said. “It is on the trade route. I don’t have any logical reason to distrust this but i would be negligent if i did not express some doubt. “Tivora said.
” I have doubts myself but i don’t want to kick the can down the road. Take us there!” Shumar said. Kelly w altered course . “On course!” Kelly w said.
Combat ship
” they are on course! ” the ithimite reported. “Excellent !” Dr. Ardilon said.
“The evidence is hardly compeling. It is mostly theories,speculations !”julie said. ” Jewls! We are being played. “He said.”really ? A conspiracy theory! Secret societies. Did the aliend build the peryimyids?”she asked.”look you ever known me to go half cocked on a wild and crazy theory? “He asked.
“No i have not!  this is a leep? “She said. “Is it? There is circumstancial evidence. “Shumar said. “I do trust you. I will play it your way. I really hope i don’t regret this! “She said.
“We have incoming !” Jason anonced. “Can you identity it?” Shumar asked. “Vessel is vulcan. Salaya class. ” Tivora said. The ship was hit by the x. “Shields holding! “Boyd said.
” These ships had a design flaw! The reclimation system was not reinforced!” Tivora said.
The x fired near the reclimation system. A crack was created. The crack was made bigger.
The Vulcan ship returned fire on the x. “Shields at 88 percent!” Boyd said. The x fired on the crack. They tried to transfer non esential power to the shields. The x was hit by the combat ship.  “Shields at 84 percent!” Tivora said. The x flew a dive bomb like raid at the hostile. The thruster canon and lazers struck the Vulcan warship. Multiple sections of the ship was hit.
The Vulcan ship returned fire on the x. Multiple sections were hit. Several decks were hit. Efected areas were sealed off. There was damage.
Tivora found a way to target the com unit. They fired on the com unit. The unit exploded. They had cut off there meens of comunication. It was a small mesure but a meaure never the less.
The Vulcan ship went about like nothing had happened. They hit the x. The x was hit. “Shields at 70 percent!”tivora said. The x fired on one of the Vulcan gun turets. One of the turet was hit. The explosion spread though orther areas of the warship. The ship fireing.
The Vulcan hit the x. The x was hit in multiple section. Shields were now at 40 percent.
Not that tivora needed to prove her loyalty but she had a few more ideas. She atempted to hack into the Vulcan ship. She was blocked. She was able to get in.
There shields came down. The x hit aft and stubord. The x then hit the engines. The ship had been cripled.
The Vulcan ship headed back for the x. It ploted a colision course.the x fired every thing it had. The Vulcan ship came at them.kelly w tried to turn the ship around. He moved the ship around hoping to dodge the impact of the Vulcan ship.
The x went at maxumum warp. The Vulcan ship was hit. It exploded. The ship was pushed backwards. Perizu ajusted the ship and the ship finally went to all stop.
Qurters of engstrom
  ” Your evidence is hardly conpeling ! It is mostly conect the dotes!” Ensgtorm said. ” The evidence is fairly slim. It seams to add up. The solaya class are old. They were retired. There was an attack on a depot yard where five ships were stolen. There is evidence linking the suiside bomber to the theft. I believe there is resonible evidence to verify this story!”julie said.
“The Vulcan were the first race we made contact with. They are natural alies. Though we have a different way of looking at life,we have similar beliefs. We have a mutural code of contact. It is foolish for us to be advaseries. “Styles said.
” if your wrong ,we are giving them a pass. “The commadore said. “We have to start trusting ! We have to start somewhere. The Vulcan have proven themselves time and time again ! ” Styles said.
” i don’t trust the Vulcans. I can’t envision a time i will. It seams that they are not to blame for this incident. I will follow the recomendation. I am recomending charges be filled against commander shumar!” Engstrom said.
“Your actions were out of line. You bring charges against shumar,i will file a counter complant against you! ” Styles said. ” I know you and the old man are close. I can go his head. President alaxander may not agree with you!” Engstorm said. “You were out of line. I think you will loose!” He said.
“Captain’s journal we have returned to vega base. We have off louded the comidore and there staf. We are going to return to the outer rim. ”

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