Automation part four

“P u t do wn y o u r wea pons!”the robotic leader said. Styles went for the robot. He fired on the robot. Kelly made a run for it.
Kelly had to dodge weapons fire. Boyd fired on the robots head. The robots head exploded. They were fired on In all directions. They returned fire in all directions.
Boyd fired his thruster rifle. He had destroyed several robots. They just seemed to keep comming and comming. They seemed to be easy to construct. They were desposible. The perfect soljder.
Boyd tried to stay sharp. He tried to stay focused. He was careful. He continued to fight.
They seemed to be no end to these creatures. They fired and fired on the robots. Styles decided to form an orginized retreat. He decided to regroup. He wanted to rethink. Plan a neq strategy. This was not over. Not even close.
They moved back. The security team led by boyd provided cover for the rest of the team. They moved back.
The team ran back. Boyd activated an emergentcy culvert.the baricade was in place. They went to a cubicle like area. A few of the security team stood gaurd. They would rest and plan there next move.
The drone ship fired again. “Shields at 90 percent!”emma reported. “They pack a biggeer punch then they did last time!”kelly w said. “The romulons don’t strike me as people who give up easily! ” shumar said. “Agreed!”tivora said.
The x fired on the drone ship. “Do you trust me sir?” Emma asked. “I don’t know you very well but i think so!”shumar said. “I have an idea! Can i try it?”she asked. “I am really woried about this ensign. Go for it!” Shumar asked.
The x targarted the drone ship reclamation system. The ship was hit. She fired multiple volleys onto an exchaust port. The port exploded. She found another port and opened fire. The port was hit. It exploded.
The drone ship had been wounded. “Good work!”shumar said. “Thank you!”she said smiling. The x fired again. 
The drone ship came at the x and released several ports. Waste hit the x. Kelly w tried to duck the hit. The x came though it. The x came at the drone ship.
The x fired on the drone ship.a nichelle was hit. The x fired all they had. Emma located a crosover section . She fired. The bridge was hit. The ship had a gaping hole.
The x took advantage of it and fired. The ship was hit. Part of the ship was on fire. The intact section detached itself from the dead hulk.
The command module was clwar.the hulk exploded. The command mode got away. “They think of every thing!” Kelly w said. “They do seam to!”shumar said.
Orther drone ship
“We got a few minutes rest bit! Maybe !” Styles said. ” Does tivora ever talk about me!” Boyd asked. “Yes she does!”gina answered. “What does she say?”he asked. “You will have to ask her sir!”gina said. “Fair enough!”boyd said.
“Sory to get you in this bind doctor !”Styles said. “I am prety adventureous sir! I am sure my husband might not feel the same way!” She said.
“We will get you back to him and your family . No way i am going to let my ship and crew be cut down by robots a few weeks into this mission !”styles said.
They heard a sound. “What is that?” A security officer asked. A large robot apeared. The gaurds fired. The robot seemed indestructible.
End of part four.

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