Ruins part five

“Journal what started off as a simple planitary servey has terned into anything but.  One crewman is dead,killed by a creture that resembles an earth dinosaur.  At least two crewman hath tested positive for a parisite. Another team had vanished. ”
“The landing teans canot return to the ship until they have been screaned for the pathogin. We all have our work cut out for us and thensome!”
  “This is the last known location of the team!”boyd said. “Team was this way. The other will pick a different direction. We will see where it leeds!” Styles ordered. The teams dispersed.
“You think they are alive?”perizu said. “I really hope so. I knew there might be casulties but having already done one funeral and now with at least one more i am not looking foward to it. I am woried that they are not. I chose to keep hopful until i know orther wise!” Styles said.
They heard a noise. They ran towards the sound. They saw crewman tod ridge. ” Tod your ok!”styles said. ” Stay back!”he said. The man seamed to be delerious. He started laughing. “I told you stay back!”he said
“What’s going on?”perizu said. ” We are gone captain. Our future is them. We died the minute we set foot hear. We signed our deatj warent. Some worlds are better left alone! Some questioned should never be ansered!”ridge said.
The man came towards him. The team fired. The crewman was hit. The crewman did not stop. Styles said a forgive me and then fired.
He fired at point blank range. The man was hit. The man had evidence of a head wound but stil came at him. He seamed to be a zombi. The whole team fired at once. The man exploded and started to transform into an oil like substance. The team fell back.
“Is that the parisite?” Perizu asked. “That is what i am thinking! “Styles said. “Are we all going to end up that way?” A crewman asked. “Not if i can help it!”styles asured the crewman. 
A medical tent was set up. Dr. Renelds and her staf got every thing set up. Carl ayote agred to go first in case it did not work.
The put on surgicall goans and mask. Every thing had been sterilized. “Hear goes nothing !”dr. Renelds said.
She started opening the crewman up. It was near the instestines. “That is nasty looking !” Steverin who was asisting the medical team said. They atempted to seperate it from the body. “It fuised!”a nerse said.
She atempted to use a lazer to get it free. The creture emited a goo. The goo hit a nerse. The.nerse was in pain.
“You cannot kill me dr. Renelds!”the creture inside ayote said. “How do you know who i am?”she asked. “I know what ayote knows! You cannot harm me! Even if you kill ayote,i will endure!” The creture declared.
The creture caused the crewman exploded. The creture went the air. Steveren caught the cteture. Steveren strugled to keep the creture. “You sure this is wise?”dr. Renelds asked. “I don’t think it is going to eat me. It is rather ticked off!”Steveren said. The creture struggled to break free but the andorian,for now had the uper hand. 
“Can we kill it?”a nerse asked.”that i don’t know. It seams unable or unwilling to infest me as it does with humans and presumibly the tridarnie colonest. “He said.
The creture was trying to get away. The andorian was persistent. He saw the danger it could inflict and was not going to alow it to keep going.
“Can you restrain it indefinitely !”one of the medical team members asked. “That would be a no! I am not super andorian!”he said.
“Can we drown it?”a nurse asked. “It may be afraid of the water but i am not sure i would risk it!” He said.
“You! Whats your name?”steveren asked. ” Able crewman eric mahascal “he said.”i am not sure how able you are but i am about to find out i gues! “He said.
The young crewman was a bit confused. “You have a land lazer?”he said. “I am required to sir!”he said. ” Aim for the creture’s head and fire !”he said.
“Yes sir!”he said.
The young man aimed his hand lazer at the head of the parisite. He hastily fired. The creture was hit. The head exploded. The rest of the creture went limp.
” As i suspected,the creture is only invincible when conected to a host ! I suspect he did not know that he could not infest an.andorian. i am hoping that he does not comunicate telipathically with his fellow cretures. We may have an advantage but i fear it will be short lived!” He said.
“It is too late for crewman ayote. I really don’t want to atempt any more surgeries! ” kelly ann said. “We will need to somehow contain crewman mconnel . She is not one of us at least not for the time being !”the andorian said.
“We will double security on her!”dr. Renelds said. “That was the frekiest thing i think i have ever seen!”nurse ramsdel said.”i have seen worse. One time i steped foot on a planet of mudusons. You go insane if you look right at them!” He said. “I need to do an autopsy on ayote!”dr. Renelds said. Everyone was mentaly and physically excahusted. The worst was far from over. It had only begun.
End of part five

Ruins part four

“Personal journal,exploration of uncharted teratory is frought with unknowns. The exploers find harsh climate,new deseases and animal threats. Exploration of space is not different. It too is fraught with danger.”
“During our mission batiling romulan robots,we lost petty officer sawer. Now we have lost another. Able crewman tim vilsack. Would he be the last?”
Crewman carl ayote and heidi mconnel ran for there lives. “Are we going to make it?” Heidi asked. “Yea we are! “He said. The creture chased them for a while but then found something else more interesting and then moved on. They would find them interesting again . That they know.
Trajaten and tivora worked on translating the artifects. “I’m sory to look over your soulder but this is a mission for the experts,science teama,not much for a solder and adninistrator!”styles said.
“Well! These artifects are what you would expect in a celebrates the founding of the citty. Another celebrates the oldest citizen. “Tivora said.”what is interesting is that there it apears that this planet is not these people planet of origin!”trajaten said.
“They are from another world?”styles asked. ” They describe there homeworld as beyond the great basan we think. We are having difficulty translating it. I think they came from a far off reigion.”trajaten said.
“The tridarnie home world’s location is not known . Up until a hundred years ago the tridarnie were considered myithical but an arkeological team discovered multiple prof of there excistence. “Tivora said.
“Was this a colony or did they conqur an excisting civilization?””styles asked.
“I’m leening towards a colony.i have found nothing to convince me of more then one civilization!”tivora said. “I have come to that conclusion as well. “Trajaten said.
” boyd to captain! Your needed at the command post! “He said. “On my way. Keep investigating!”he ordered.”will do!” Tivora said. He left the area.
“Vilsack is dead. It was like a dinosore!” Carl ayote said. “It almost got us!”heidi said. Dr. Renelds scaned them with her devive. ” SOMETHING WRONG isn’t it?” Heidi asked. ” you both have a perisite! “She reported. They both frieked out.
“Look i need you to remane calm!” She said. ” I would like to perform emergentcy exploritory sergery !”she said. “Can you remove it?”he asked. “This is brand new teratory! To be honest i don’t know. “She told him.
“Ok! “He said. “There is something else. I don’t dare take them to the x. I will have to set up an o.r out hear!” She said. “Anything you need! We will do it! “Styles said. “Thank you! I will need everyone on the serface screaned before they can returned to the ship! ” dr. Renelds said. “Agreed. Captain to all units! All unit are to return to base camp. Be on high alert for cretures that resemble earth dinosaurs. When you arive you will submit to medical screning. No one is to return to the ship until cleared by medical. ” Styles said.
After a while they called styles over. “Sir we have a problem! Team five has failed to call in? We can’t reach them. Team five is petty officer wolf,petty officer cobert ,crewmans ridge and rendel. “Shumar said. “Oh my! Alright ! We wil begin a full search for them. We have to find them!”he said.
“We will lunch search parties! Shumar asemble it. Teams of five at a minimum!” Styles said. They agreed. Then they got right to work.
End of part four

Ruins part three

“Captain’s journal,after completing landing ,the crew of the x 1000 has began to explore the planet. A planet that seams to be shrouded in mystery. ” 
Perizu team discovered a space port. There were ships there. “This planet had warp capible ships!” Perizu said. “Could some of the inhabitents have esaped?”shumar asked. “I am not even close to drawing that kind of conclusion. “Perizu said. “This citty is better preserved that i would have thought. “Shumar said. “We are working to find a time frame for when all of this occured. “Perizu said. “Well ! Keep me aprised! “Shumar said. “You got it !”the chief engineer said.
Dr. Kelly ann renelds began to look for evidence of bodies. While she assumed that most had decayed. Many were used to feed in by caryon eaters. She hoped to find something. If this the disaster happened hundreds of years ago or longer it could be difficult to find it.
This had to be a pain staking investigation. She found animal remains. She needed something tangible.
Trajaten got to work. He looked over a monunent. He compared the laungrege to orther languages. He was hoping to find a corelation.
“Trajaten to tivora!”he said.”go ahead!”tivora said. “Can you come see me!”he said.
Tivora went to his location. “What do you have?” Tivora asked. ” this language seams very similar to an ancient dialect of vulcan ! I am not sure! “He said. Tivora looked it over. ” this resembles several dialects. “She said.
“I may be able to translate it. At least a rough translation. I suspect it may be a war monument of some kind. “Trajaten said. “If this is a similar language it seams either Vulcan influenced this planet or this planet influenced Vulcan. “Tivora said.
” there might be mutual influence! “Trajaten said. “That seams very plausible ! “She said.
The captain looked over the city.tivora and trajaten came over to the captain. “I believe this planet is a colony of the tridarnie!” Tivora said.
“The who!”styles asked. “The tridarnie was an ancient empire that controled mutch of the reigion in the ancient times. They rulled a vest area. There homeworld was destroyed by an unexpected super nova that wipped out there homeworld. “Trajaten said.
“This was not in the tridarnie sphere but the tridarnie had influence far away from teritory they ocupied! ” tivora said.
“If this is a tridarnie colony,this sugest that the tridarnie had more influence that we believed.we night have to ajust our history books. Captain earth may have just contributed to the galaxy!” Trajaten said.
“Glad to hear it!” Styles said. We have translated some of the monuments. They are what you would expect in a capital citty. “Tivora said.
“We still have no clue of what killed the inhabitants or when?”styles asked. “Corect! ” tivora said. “Ok. Good work!”he said.
Dr. Renelds was called to an area near the river. The crew located fosils. Dr. Renelds got to work anilzing it.
The captain came to the beach.”what do you find?” Styles asked.” There is probably half the citty population in hear!” Dr. Renelds said.” You confIrmed that these are remains ?”shumar asked. “Yes i have . These are remains.”she answered. ” you found none in the city?”styles asked. “They have probably been eaten by animals or decayed. ” She said. “Is there any clue to what happened to these people ?” The captain asked. “Not yet!”she said.
His comunicator beaped. He pulled it out. “Go ahead!” Styles said.” Lt. Commander cooper lyions hear. We have anilized several animals. They are free of any virus or any orther pathogin!”he said.
“Your sure?” Styles said. “We have more work to do but what we have anilized is free of any virus!”he said. “Understood. Keep me aprised!”he said. “Will do!” He said.
“Kell there is a saying,what kills us killls them eventualy. Why is animal life thriving! Why was int animal life wiped out?”he asked.”netche said whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. These animal.may have mutated. Mayby the animal adapted to this.its posible but unlikly that a geniticaly enginered virus was used designed to kill humanoid life. I don’t think that hapened but i am putting it out there!”she said. “Alright!”he said.
In another area,one of the teams were serveying. A wooded area. “This place gives me the creeps!”crewman vilsack said.” I know what you meen!” Ayote said. “Don’t tell me your frightened!” Crewman heidi McConnell said. ” NO!” they said.
Theu kept walking. Suddenly the ground seamed to open up. The team ran as fast as they could. Crewman vilsack felt the ground quake. He was falling.
The two tried to turn back. He warned them to keep going. They ran. He fell in.
The crewman saw a large creture. The creture came right for him. The man was lifted up. The creture swallowed the crewman.
The two orther crewman kept running. They tried to endure and make it out alive. The race to survive was on.
End of part three.

Ruins part two

X 1000
“Captain’s journal,we are ariving at a class m planet capible of suporting human life. There are no humanoid life forms on the planet. Acording to data from one of our probes,there is evidence of an civilization. Its fate is not know. I am going to land the ship so that we can begin a comprehensive scan of the planet!”styles said.
“All decks are standing by! “Commander shumar anounced.”the ship went though ascent and decent on earth and mars but never on an alien environment. This is a first!” Perizu said.
“Trajaten all ship buliton,all crew are to have emurgintcy harness in place !” The captain said. “Sending !”he said.
The bridge crew sat down and put on the seat belts. “There has to be an easier way to visit a world then landing all the time!”shumar said. “Someone at eller has come up with an idea of mater energy transportation. It is just a concept at this point!” Kelly w said.
“I don’t know about anyone else but i think i would like it to stay that way!” Styles said.  “the crew has given the ready signal!” Trajaten reported.
“Lets do it! Kell begin discent!”styles ordered. The vessel went to the planet at impulse power. The vessel slowly lowered itself. As it was discending the crew took in the crew.
The ship had neared what apeared to be a space port left over from the previous civilization. The vessel activated its landing struts.
“Landing complete ! ” tivora anounced. ” We will begin an inicial survey of the planet. Plants animal stuctures. This will give our science department including botonest and biologest something to do for a change !”styles said.
“This is an alien environment ,no one is to be alone. Two people minimum. Everyone should check in every. 30 Minutes no exception. Ten  minutes over due, we send in the search party!” Shumar said.
“Tivora you will overse scientific teams coordinate with bryce!”styles ordered.
“Just in case i recomend all teams be armed. Just in case!”boyd said.
” Agreed!” Styles said. “Captain as a linguistic expert i would like to look over the artifects. I am getting a bit of what humans call cabin fevor!”trajaten said. ” i can understand that. Your on the team ensign !”styles said. “Thank you sir!” He said.
“I would like to get things started as soon as possible !” Styles said. Everyone agreed.
The planet was serene. It was qiet. Erily so. There was a bird that resembled an eagle. The citty showed signs of decay but was stil well preserved.
The airlock opened,the survey teams began to exit the craft. Some techs brought equipment with them. The landing parties got right to work.
Styles looked around. He stoped for a minute. “What are you doing corner?” Shumar said. “Taking it all in. Think of it a guy from a smal town in rural ilinois on a distent planet ! I’m hear. Uspha and eller had become a fan club for space enthusiasts. Now all bets are off. Mayby we do live in mythical times! ” Styles said. “Now your sounding like eller! “Shumar said. “He tends to rub off on people !” Shumar said.
“Ok I’m good now! Now i can go begin the survey!” Styles said. “Are you going to do this on every planet we visit? “Shumar asked. “Probably. I will try to be discrete on habited planets!” He asured his exo.
Perizu oversaw the transfer of equipment to the planet. He did not have the enthusism that the captain did. He suported the process but was not excited about it. Not much excited him. He was a meloncoly kind of guy.
They set up the equipment. They got to work looking everything over.
Perizu saw his wife marie . He stoped what he was doing and went over to her. “What are you doing hear?”he asked. “We are on another world. I want to see it! ” marie said. “It may not be safe hear! “He said. “I won’t stay long. I have to see this. I can’t just look at it from a window. “She said.
“You won’t stay long?” He asked. “No i won’t. I had to see it. I am going where no pregnant human female has gone before !” She said. He did an eye role. He tried not to smerk but he did.
Trajaten looked over some structure. “You going to follow me everywhere ?” Trajaten said. “We are to stay together. Captain’s orders!” Gina said. “Very well! He said.
“It is a monument?”gina asked. “That is what i am thinking. It definitely resembles a monument. ” Trajaten said. “Can you translate it?” She asked. “I am going to try!” Trajaten said.
What no one knew was that they were not alone. Someone was watching them.
End of part two.


Humanity riped apart by world war. While mankind struguled to survive after the third world war,a scientist lunched an experimental space ship on an historic lunch.
After contacting an alien race, earth began to look upward. Humanity developed an interest in the stars. Mankind created a fleet that stayed close to home. They lunched unmanned probes. Many of the probes brought fasinating information. Some were lost,presumed destroyed.
  X 1000
Tivora and gina were going on a morning run. Today kelly ann joined them.  “You do this every morning? Run though the ship? ” dr. Kelly asked.
“Yes! I was on the tract team in high school. I ran a lot at west point and eller traning program. I find it helps me clear my head. ” tivora said.
“We stick to low traphic areas of the ship!” Gina said. “Not that there are a lot of them on a ship this size. ” Gina said. “True! I imagine they will design biger ships in the future. Kelly has some ideas of his own. He has tons of design for new ships!” Dr. Kelly said.
“You think humanity will embrace the stars? I wounder if what we are doing is apreciated or if it is seen as a novalty? Earth is hardly recognizible for what it was during the days of cocren,Grayson and eller sr. Some believe we should focus on earth. ” Gina said.
“I think mankind knows there future is out hear! I believe thry will chose to embrace it. “Tivora said. ” I have. I think orthers will too!”gina said.
“Do we have a new helmsman?”styles asked. “I am a pilot i asked lt. Renelds if i could take the helm!”marie said. “Jose does not know!”shumar asked.”he might not aprove. You would think i was dying not pregnant !”marie said.
Trajaten got a signal. The ship was programed to pick up signals from anything conected to earth. He looked it over. It was an old earth code. By the looks of it it was one of the first probes lunched from earth.
He ajusted the scan. Sure enough it was an earth signal. It was on a stand by mode. He checked it with uspa abs e.i archives. There was a match.
“Captain! I am receving a signal from an old earth probe. Its is pilgrim one. “Trajaten reported.
“Pilgrim one was one of the first deep space probes to leave earth. It stoped transmitting ten years after it lunched. It was asumed to be destroyed! ” shumar said.
“Rurmors of pilgrim one desmise were greatly exaduated i gues. ” Styles reported.
” Why did it stop transmitting ?”kelly w asked. “It was designed to go into stand by mode when power was down to a minimum. Its mission was to report. One of our signals must have triggered it!”styles said.
“I have its location. It is nearby. “Trajaten said. “Very well. Marie set course for the probe!” Styles ordered. The ship ajusted course.the vessel headed for the probe.
“Now at the probe. “Kelly reported. “Stand by to extract. ” Styles said. “Cargo bay! Begin extraction protical!” Shumar ordered.
The ship came at the probe. It lunched its grapole. The probe was attached. The probe was brought in. The doors opened,the probe was guided into the hanger bay.
“Confirmed probe is abored!” Trajaten said. ” Bridge to engineering, jose i got a blast from the past i need you to analilize. ” Styles ordered. “Sounds like fun! I will get on it. You do know i am an engineer not an arkeologest!”perizau said. “I do. You seam to be the most likly person to head this up!” He said. “You really know how to butter me up. I am on my way!” Perizu said. “Very well. Keep me aprised!” Styles said.
  Perizu and his team went to the cargo bay. They got to work on the probe. They had a look of work to do.
“I completed the anylisis. This sector seams to be full of things worth studying. The cloest is what now is a dead world. It seams to have housed an advancd civilization. It would be quite a mystery!” Perizu said. “I agree. Usually i like a good mystery! Kelly set course for the planet.”styles ordered.
The ship headed for the planet.
End of part one

The society part 7

“You decided to stop faking your illnesses ?” Shumar asked. “I figured it was time!” Styles said. “I have created a little grief for you! “Shumar said. ” That was to be expected. I knew the situation with engstrom would be coming to a head. ” Styles said.
“Will you testify on my bahath at the court marshal?” He asked. “Count on it!” Styles said. “We suspect that a secret society is trying to start a war between Vulcan and humans. They want to create order. They believe that order can only come from them. ” Shumar said.
” it is all coming into focus. “The captain said. “We have a name. Dr. Ardilon. I suspect that he is a low level foot shodjer.  He is expendible. ” Shumar said.
  Combat ship
” ready?” Dr. Ardilin asked. ” The decoy is in place!”the telerite said. “Send the distress call!” Dr. Ardilon ordered. “Sending!” The ithimite said.
X bridge
“We are receving a distress call ! Earth cargo ship ,they claim to be under attack by vulcans!”trajaten said. “It is on the trade route. I don’t have any logical reason to distrust this but i would be negligent if i did not express some doubt. “Tivora said.
” I have doubts myself but i don’t want to kick the can down the road. Take us there!” Shumar said. Kelly w altered course . “On course!” Kelly w said.
Combat ship
” they are on course! ” the ithimite reported. “Excellent !” Dr. Ardilon said.
“The evidence is hardly compeling. It is mostly theories,speculations !”julie said. ” Jewls! We are being played. “He said.”really ? A conspiracy theory! Secret societies. Did the aliend build the peryimyids?”she asked.”look you ever known me to go half cocked on a wild and crazy theory? “He asked.
“No i have not!  this is a leep? “She said. “Is it? There is circumstancial evidence. “Shumar said. “I do trust you. I will play it your way. I really hope i don’t regret this! “She said.
“We have incoming !” Jason anonced. “Can you identity it?” Shumar asked. “Vessel is vulcan. Salaya class. ” Tivora said. The ship was hit by the x. “Shields holding! “Boyd said.
” These ships had a design flaw! The reclimation system was not reinforced!” Tivora said.
The x fired near the reclimation system. A crack was created. The crack was made bigger.
The Vulcan ship returned fire on the x. “Shields at 88 percent!” Boyd said. The x fired on the crack. They tried to transfer non esential power to the shields. The x was hit by the combat ship.  “Shields at 84 percent!” Tivora said. The x flew a dive bomb like raid at the hostile. The thruster canon and lazers struck the Vulcan warship. Multiple sections of the ship was hit.
The Vulcan ship returned fire on the x. Multiple sections were hit. Several decks were hit. Efected areas were sealed off. There was damage.
Tivora found a way to target the com unit. They fired on the com unit. The unit exploded. They had cut off there meens of comunication. It was a small mesure but a meaure never the less.
The Vulcan ship went about like nothing had happened. They hit the x. The x was hit. “Shields at 70 percent!”tivora said. The x fired on one of the Vulcan gun turets. One of the turet was hit. The explosion spread though orther areas of the warship. The ship fireing.
The Vulcan hit the x. The x was hit in multiple section. Shields were now at 40 percent.
Not that tivora needed to prove her loyalty but she had a few more ideas. She atempted to hack into the Vulcan ship. She was blocked. She was able to get in.
There shields came down. The x hit aft and stubord. The x then hit the engines. The ship had been cripled.
The Vulcan ship headed back for the x. It ploted a colision course.the x fired every thing it had. The Vulcan ship came at them.kelly w tried to turn the ship around. He moved the ship around hoping to dodge the impact of the Vulcan ship.
The x went at maxumum warp. The Vulcan ship was hit. It exploded. The ship was pushed backwards. Perizu ajusted the ship and the ship finally went to all stop.
Qurters of engstrom
  ” Your evidence is hardly conpeling ! It is mostly conect the dotes!” Ensgtorm said. ” The evidence is fairly slim. It seams to add up. The solaya class are old. They were retired. There was an attack on a depot yard where five ships were stolen. There is evidence linking the suiside bomber to the theft. I believe there is resonible evidence to verify this story!”julie said.
“The Vulcan were the first race we made contact with. They are natural alies. Though we have a different way of looking at life,we have similar beliefs. We have a mutural code of contact. It is foolish for us to be advaseries. “Styles said.
” if your wrong ,we are giving them a pass. “The commadore said. “We have to start trusting ! We have to start somewhere. The Vulcan have proven themselves time and time again ! ” Styles said.
” i don’t trust the Vulcans. I can’t envision a time i will. It seams that they are not to blame for this incident. I will follow the recomendation. I am recomending charges be filled against commander shumar!” Engstrom said.
“Your actions were out of line. You bring charges against shumar,i will file a counter complant against you! ” Styles said. ” I know you and the old man are close. I can go his head. President alaxander may not agree with you!” Engstorm said. “You were out of line. I think you will loose!” He said.
“Captain’s journal we have returned to vega base. We have off louded the comidore and there staf. We are going to return to the outer rim. ”

The society part six

  X 1000
“While on rygal,she met with a man naimed dr.ardilon. the man has no ties to the orions. Some ’employees’ of the orions moon light on ocasion. As long as it does not conflict with there aganda they tolerate it. ” Tivora said.
“Do we know anything about this man?” Shumar asked. “He is tiburion. They are known for being scientists,business men,idealist. I know little about dr. Ardilon ! The attacker met with him on rigal 9 before coming to babel!”tivora said.
” Alright ! It seams it is time we visit rigal. Kell take us out of orbit. “The acting captain said. The x left the orbit of the planet.”we have cleared orbit!”kelly w anonced. “Kelly set course for rigal !” The acting c.o ordered. The pilot set the course. The x went to warp and sped to the planet.
The door opened,the andorian entered. “Is the band over?” Steveren said. “I am provisionaly bringing you back into the inner circle! ” commander shumar said. ” Prosionaly! What is the provision?”steveren said. “So long as you don’t tic me off!”shumar said. “I don’t realy play well with orthers'”he said. ” Rigal 9!”he said. ” Center of trade and comerce. It is a transport hub. ” Steveren said. “We have evidence our bomber met with a tiburion naimed dr. Ardilon. ” Shumar said.
“I know him! He was a physist but he became involved in reserch and development. The tibiron are alies with the andorians. He wanted to create a qudrent authority ,a confederacy, it had no real suport. It is a silly idea. A confederacy of planets that exist for peacefull existence, it would never work. “Steveren said.
” he is an idealest!”shumar said. “His ideal has little suport. He was releved of his post in the tiburon government. He was unable to find anyone who would hire him. He kinda vanished” steveren said. ” This steveren is a clue. We need one. “Shumar said. ” we still have no proof. We barrly have a theory. To play devils advocate, commadore engstorm and people like him could argue that the Vulcan hired an orion lacke to give plusible denibility. “Emma said.
“Thats a strech ! I understans Vulcan are mythodical but they are not that cynical !”perizu said. “We can be. “Tivora said. Every one said. “I am just pointing something out!”tivora said.”hopfully we wil get that proof on rigal!”shumar said.
The commander entered the infirmery. “The captain is stabolized. He is hoever stil unconscious. “Dr. Kelly said. “Can you revive him?” He asked.”so far all atempts to revive him have failed. “She said. “I hope i did the right thing. I could not let the commidore go down that road!”he said.
“That road. You and i both know where that road leads to?” She said. “We do!” He said. “Humanity is at a crosroads. We have an opportunity. What we do now sets the stage for the future. What kind of future will it be? Will we build a future in witch our children and there children will be proud off?’ She asked.
Unknown ship
“Sir! The x has left orbit of the planet babel. It is on course for the planet rigal!” An ithimite aid said. “I see! “Dr. Ardilon said.
“Sir! If the vessel makes it to rigal. They could learn the truth of our plans. “The telerite said. “We will keep a close eye on them. We will not fire until i give the order! Is that clear?”he asked. “Yes sir! ” the aides said.
“We wil let them think they are wining. Lull them into a false sense of security. Then we will finish them off!” The tiberon said.
Rigal 9
“Acting captains journal,we have arived at rigal. We have entered orbit. Myself ,dr. Renelds,lt. Boyd and lt. Tivora are going to pod to the planet. ”
They went to the marketplace. Every thing you could imagine was being sold. They went from table to table. They saw a Vulcan female.
Tivora went over and talked to her in Vulcan. ” You know shalel?”tivora asked. “Yes she is not hear. She is away on business ! ”  she said. “Did she say what her business was?” She asked. ” Are you vasher?” The Vulcan female asked. ” No! Look i will level with you. She is dead. She tried to kill a human ! “Tivora said.
“That is not possible . She is not political ! Humans are insugnificant! ” she said. Tivora saw a tato on her hand.” Your probably right. It is probably a mistake. Good day!”she said.
“What’s going on?” Shumar asked. “I get it now. On earth elete have clubs that only they get into. Secret socities that involve rutuel,myithology and have engendered conspiracy theiories!”she said.
” Yes of course. “Shumar said. “It is not exclusively a human phynomina. Over the years there are those who have wanted to create confederation,common markets. They are usually short lived. Usually they are based on military threat. Once there common goals are accomplished the allience crumbles. There are stories about a group that uses that syimbol. They are called the society . The rurmors are that they work covertly. The group has falled into disrepute. What if they still exist. A human Vulcan alliance will bring stability to the area. They won’t be a part of it. You start a war,a war that will not stay contained to the reigion. The war will spread. They will pick up the pieces. Commander. We will be targited. ” She said. “Lets get back to the ship!” Shumar said.
” Ardilon there has been a change ! The orical has produced new prediction. The crew of the x will peace together the plot. Not all of it but enough. If they suceed the plot will unrevel. The alience will become stronger. The x must be destroyed. Orical predicts that the destruction of the x will garante war. The society will play peace maker. We will. Be on top once again !”the elder said.” I will do as you sugest. The x will be destroyed!” Dr. Ardilon said. “Good!” The elder said.
End of part 6

The society part five

  The security team serounded the comadore. They had hand lazers on stand by. They escorted him back to the shartle. They got him inside.
While kelly w picked up styles and got him into the shartle. The body of the late commander was then brought abored. The door was sealed.
Kelly w took the pilots chair and the craft lifted off. The vessel headed right for the x. The craft then returned to the hanger bay.
X 1000
“Trajaten to dr. Renelds!”he said. “Go ahead ensign!” She said. “There was an incident on the planet. We have woundered!’the com tech said. “We will be standing by!”she asured him.
She feared the absolute worse. She loved her husband very much. She was woried about him. She chided herself. This was her crew,her family . Whoever was injured,it was no less serious. She felt bad for feeling that way. Whoever it was,it was someone loved one. Her feeling were understandible but she still did not like it. She did not like it at all.
They roled him in. “Oh no”she thought. It was the captain.while not quite as bad as if it were her husband ,this was bad. She had great respect for the captain. Everyone in the crew did. She and her staf got right to work.
“What happened?”!bryce asked. “Suicide bomber! Vulcan female ! The captain was injured! I am assuming command of this vessel efective imidiatelly ! ” engstrom said.
This made everyone very nervous. No one would say so.” Get me the Vulcan ambassador to babel! I don’t care if he is trying to acheve kolinar. I want to talk to him!!”engstrom said.
“He is responding!” Trajaten said.”on  screen !” He said. “You don’t want it in your office?” He said. “Negative! Maine viewer! ” he said.
“This is ambassador vosok! “The Vulcan male said. He looked about 60 wich meens he was probably a hundred and 60 or older.
“As a dully empowered representive of united earth and her colonies, i deliver the following message ! The attack on our colony near vega and the assasination atempt on the life of myself and my team constitutes an act of war! We demand a formal apology and reperations. I want full disclosure of the operation including those who planed and caried it out or prepare for a military response !” Engstrom said.
Everyone was a gasp. No one dared show emotion. No one suported this but he was a superior officer. Like it or not he was in command.
“I can asure you this operation was not aproved or sactioned by the Vulcan government. I have evidence that the ships were decomisioned. They vanished from a suply depot. Thr facility was raided by orion scavingers. We have documentation of all of this. “He said
“How do you explane the suiside bomber?”engstrom asked.”she is a Vulcan x patriot who lived on a planet under the influence of the intergalatic under world. She had ties to orion and other orginized crime. “The ambassador said.
“You have an answer for every thing. You know what i think.the Vulcan don’t like us. We are irational,ilogical, we act on whim,if we continue to expand our two races sphere of influence will colide. I doubt this will make you happy ! I think you don’t wait for to advance technologically. I think you want to attack now! Soften us up. Either conqur us or slow us down!”engstrom said.
” I assure you we are peacefull people ! We were not involved !”the ambassador declared. ” is there your oficial response ?” The commadore asked. “We will fully coperate with any investigation. If Vulcan nationals were involved ,we would be willing to extridite them! “He said. “Not good enough end transmisson!” He ordered.
“Arest miss tivora,suspicion of sedition and treason. “The commadore said. “Woa! No way. There is no evidence she is involved !”shumar said. “She could be a plant! The comadore said. “These are paralous times bryce!” Julie said. “He is making them worse! I am taking command of the x!” Shumar said.
“This is mutiny!”he said. “Yes it is! Jason take this man to his qurters! ” he said .”gladly!” Jason said. “This is wrong bryce! We have a chain of command!” She said. “We have a constitution and a uniform code of justice! As an earth citizen and a eller employe she has rights. “Shunar said.
As the comadore was escorted out,he screamed at the top of his lungs. “You will regret this shumar!” He said. “I am taking command. I will go to batt for all of you at the court marshal !”he said.
“Alright jasson take tivora! Go hand hold the Vulcan ambassador. This orion end i think it is conected!” Shumar said . “You got it!” Jason said.
“What are you doing?”julie asked . “Jewles ! I am convinced that a third party is trying to put a wedge between earth and Vulcan ! Either the orions are behind it or they know who is. “Shumar said.
“Why would anyone want to stop earth Vulcan relations. Our people are crodjial. I think long time alience seams far fetched. They view us as too driven by emotion. We think of them as too stuck up. ” She said.
“In the last few years our two peoples have begun to work together. There is talk of full normilization,embisies,exchange of ambassadors,mayby even joint science missons and border security. Despite our diferencea,both sides have a deep respect for the rule of law. Right now there is distrust. In fithty years i can see our two people coexcisting working together. In a hundred. I see that bond getting stronger. I imagine that makes people nervous. Mayby Orion mayby someone else. “Shumar said.
“This is all speculation. It is all quite a leap. We have a good case against the Vulcan. If you hear a quack you should think horse!”she said.
“Unles a hourse is using duck noise!” He said. “I have no response to that! “She said. “Jules let me check this out. If im  wrong you can say i told you so !”he said. “If it were any orther man i would be staging a counter corps against you! 24 Houers!” She said. “Ok!”he said.
Tivora’s quarters
“Alright ! I will do the talking. Your a bit of a cowboy!  Not to mention that the ambassador is probably being pushed on all fronts!”she said.
“Me a cowboy? I resemble my remark ! Ok i will be the jr partner! “He said. “We had better get going !”she said.
“Look! The captain and i talked about it before he was attacked. We won’t alow a japinese style internment of earth citizen of Vulcan discent. You have proven your loyalty and themselves. You should not have to. I want you to know beyond a shadow of question that i never doubted you for one seccond!” He told her.
“I am sory that i backed away! ” she asked. “The crew is a family. Your my family tivora. “He said.he started to hug her. “Sory!”he said. She huged him back.
Vulcan embasy
“I stand by my previous satement!”vorshock said. Tivora spoke in vulcan. “Someone is trying to put a wedge between our worlds. “She said.
“The attacker came hear from rigal 9. She spends most of her time on coridon and worlds used by the orions. She met with man named ardilon. He is a tiburion. He does not apear to have ties with the orions. We know little about him. “Voshek said. “You have been a great help! “She said.
” Please lt! (English ) don’t let it end this way!” The Vulcan said. “I won’t ambassador !”he said.
End of part five

The society part 4

“Captain’s journal after colecting data from the debree field. While the evidence indicates that the vulcans are waging a gurila war against us probably aimed at destobolizing us. ”
“While the evidence sugest that the vulcans are behind this ,i have my doubts. It just does not seam to add up. Eaqily troubiling is the presence of earth representitive commadore engstrom. He seams to have an ax to grind. ”
Qurters of engstrom
“You wanted to see me sir? ” the captain asked. “Yes come in! I want to get underway as soon as possible ! I want to see the look on the devils when we are stil alive!” Engstrom said.
“Sir. I am concerned by the battle with the vulcan ship. You almost got my crew killed. The evidence was clear this was a suiside mission ! Yet you were going to continue to engage them!” Styles said.
“Corner ! It was a simple mistake. An oversight!”he said.”one that could have gotten my crew killed!  A captain has to be a bit of a dictator. He cant be second guised for every minute detail. In exchange for the loyalty that is required for a deep space mission ,a captain is that much more responsible to protect his crew. A crew trust there commanding officer with there life. Is a solum duty. These people have sacrificed a lot. They deserve better. “Styles said.
“Look i made a mistake. Contrary to my persona i am not God! I apolozize ! Can we move on now?”engstrom asked.
“Look! During a battle there can only be one commander! You can assume command of the x. The ship so much as get its paint chiped i will be lodging a formal complant!”corner said. “Understood captain!” Engstrom said.
“Sir! I am woried about tivora! She wont leave her qurters. She won’t see me!”boyd said. “Look she is woried. Earth history does not paint a rosey picture of what hapends when one group attack another. “Styles said.
“Sir! About that. I am concerned. Will this become another japinese internment. If there are more like the commadore!”boyd said. “The commidore is a prick who think way too highly of himself !”the captain said.
“He is a commadore so he must have some influence!”boyd said. “He is commanding a garrison that protects live stock shipments while i am bodly going where no human has gone before. That ought to tell you something ! Jason! Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I for one don’t want to repeat those dark chaptors of human history ! ” styles said. “Alright !” Jason said.
Qurters of lt. Julie holister
The chime rang. “Come in!”she said. The door opened. It was commander shumar. “I wondered when you would come by or if you would come by !” Julie said.
“I have been buisy. As your boss said,we are in a defacto sate of war ! “Bryce said.
“Can i have a hug or we are going to be formal ?”she asked. He huged her.  “It is good to see you! So you got your wish! Off into deep space ?”she said. “I told you i would !”shumar said.
“Eller industeries is staering a publicity effort to promote his program. There is a bryce shumar action figure!” She said. “No! Your kidding?”he asked. She took it out of the draw. “You have one?” He asked. “In 20 years or so it will be a colectors item!”she said.
“I don’t want to know. So how can you work for a man like engstrom?” Shumar said. “He is not so bad when you get to know him. “Julie said. “He seams like a relic form a bi gone error. He reminds me of general custor. “He said.
“So how have you been?” Sge asked. “Good! Buisy. Now i am. I left uspha because i did not think it was going any where. We seamed to be more of aj agency reserching climate information then space exploration. Then i jouned eller industeries. They talked a good game but got very little results. Now the two have joined forces and I’m out hear. We are going to make a go if this. In 30 years humanity will be a house hold name out amoungst the stars!” Shumar said.
“It seams so. If we are not whiped out first . Don’t get me wrong i agree with you. The fact is the old gaurd does not like new blood. It may be a strugal! It may not be the romantic picture eller likes to paint!” Julie said.
“Nothing is easy. The first colony is Virginia vanished. Rome was not built in a day. It could be dark at first !”she said. “I know that. If we suceed we wiill built something . Something future generations can be proud of!” He said.
“We never did quite agree on this. You were the dreamer. I was the realest!”she said. “I tempered my idealism for a while. I see it may be possible !”bryce said.
“Captain’s journal we got underway ans headed for the planet babel. We arived in record time. The planet is a center of intergalatic diplomocy. It has compared to an intergalitic united nations. I hope they have a little more luck then they did. ”
“Now in orbit!” Kelly w said. “Alright ! Prep the shartle! I am going down there! ” engstrom said.”i am going with you!” The captain said. “That is not necessary captain! I can handle this !”he said. “My ship was almost destroyed. This involves me! Besides regulation states that a commanding officer may accompony all off ship missions! I looked it up!”styles said. “Fine but stay out of my way! “He said. “Fine! Shumar you have the bridge !” He said. “Aye sir!”shumar said.
The x had one shartle. It was a cramped craft in a cramped hanger bay. The original design called for three shartle pods. It was just not pratical.  The design team considered not having any shartle. It was decided that a ground craft was needed for the nature of there mission.
Kelly w took the controls. The vessel was cleared to depart. The bay opened. The craft left the bay. The vesel was off.
“To stand on an alien planet ! It is disqueting a little!”engstrom said. “Regretible it has to be under these circumstances !”kellt w said. “It was bound to happ. Force is a universal laungrege lt!”the commadore said. No one said anything in response.
The craft began to discend to the planet. The craft lowered itself to the space port. The craft touched down and docked.
The door opened, the team excited the craft. They walked though the area. A vulcan female came towards him. Styles and the commidore’s chief of staf went up to the vulcan. The vulcan detonated herself. The rest of the team tried to sicure the commadore.
The commander was dead. Styles fell back. He was unconscious. Things had just gone from worse to even worse.
End of part four

The society part three

Lt. Jason boyd was woried about tivora. He had not known her long but he felt a conection to her,he had for a while. It was not like her to just bolt like that.
As soon as his shift is over, he headed for her qurters. He rang the chime. The door opened. “Jason! She has asked to be alone for a while !”gina said. “Just tell her I’m thinking about her!” He said. “I will!” Gina said.
Tivora heard that he was hear. She wanted some time alone. She wanted to clear her head. She hoped to short things out.
X bridge
“Now aproching vega colony!”kelly w said. “Steady as she goes kell!”the captain ordered.”aye sir!”kelly w said.”vega outpost has requested that we dock there to receve the commadore and his party ! “Trajaten said. “Make it happen !”styles ordered.
The ship headed for the base. The ship slowly and methodicaly moved towards the airlock and docked. “Docking acheved!”shumar said. “Alright lets go meat the commidore!” Styles said.
“Problem bryce?”styles asked. “These dress uniforms ? I feel like a bell hop! The blue duty uniform is bad enough i feel like a car machanic. “Shumar said.”do you want to transfer to the quarter master division ?”styles asked. ” Maybe not a fu time transfer but long enough to knock some heads. “He said
The bowson blew his wristle. The crew assembled snaped to attention. The door opened,commadore engstrom and two aides enteted.
“Welcome abored commadore!” Styles said. ” Thank you captain. You have some redecorating. We need a better name!”he said. ” i have said the same thing but i got stared down. I’m steveren!”the andorian said. “I know who you are. I understand you atend staf meatings and have unfettered acess to the bridge. That will stop efective imitately! ” he said.”Alright!” The advisor said.
” My chief of staf commander micheal baired my aid lt. Julie holister. ” He said. “Hello captain! Bryce!” Julie said. “You too know each orther?”styles said. “You might say that!” Shumar said.
“The Vulcan ?”the commadore asked. “She has asked to be taken off active dutty!” Styles said. “I want her removed as head of science. The relief weapons officer ensign emma Mansfield can fill in pro temp. “He said.
” I see !”styles said. “I assume the old man filled you in. The ship is yours but the mission is myine!”engstrom said. “He informed me!” Styles said. ” i will stay out of your turf so long as you stay out of myine. “Engstrom said.
Ensign Mansfield was working on reparing a conduet. “Ensign,your needed on the bridge!” Lt. Kenny gell said. “Oh ok!”she replied.
Emma entered. “Reporting as ordered sir!”emma said. ” lt tivora is on a leave of absence. Take the science station !” Styles said. “I have never had a scientific posting!”she said. “You will do fine. Take your post!”styles said. “Yes sir!”she said.
“Vega outpost had cleared us to drpart!” Trajaten said. “Release morings!”styles ordered. Kelly w hit the jetison button. The morings fell off. “Morings away!” Kelly w said.
“Take us out,thrustors only. Nothing fancy!” Shumar ordered. The x left the area. “We are clear!”kelly w reported. ” Set course for babel! Maximum warp!” Styles said.
“Aye sir. Ploting course'”the pilot said. He activated the course. He activated it. The ship went to warp.
“We are on course!” Kelly wyane said. “Captain we have incoming ! It is at high warp!” Emma said. “Can you identify it?” Engstrom asked. ” Vulcan ship,solaya class! It matches the confiuguration of one of the ships that attacked our convoy!” Boyd anounced.
“They are coming in weapons hot!”emma anounced. “Evasive action!” Fire!”styles ordered. The vessel opeened fire. The thruster canons fired multiple voleys at the warship. The ship reterned fire,
“I am not detecting any life signs!”emma said.”aply deadly force!”engstrom said. “Belay that! Get us out of hear!”styles said.
The ship went to warp. Kelly w pushed the ship to the breaking point and beyond. The vulcan ship tried to colide with the x. The x had the advantage.
The Vulcan ship exploded. The ship tried to ride the shock eave. The ship fliped over a few times. The ship stoped and the shock.wave passed.
“The ship activated its self destruct!”emma said. ” This was a suiside mission ! “Boyd said.”then i was right! They are using there b team to soften us up. “Engstrom said. 
“The Vulcans don’t usually engage in suiside mission !”Trajaten said. ” using unmaned ships , auto pulot!” Engstrom said. Styles was not happy with the comadore but did not say anything just yet.
End of part two