Automation part two

“Captain’s journal,ever sense the discovery of warp drive,humanity has reached further and further into space”
“Even before. Zefren cocren’s warp flight,we set up colonies on mars,saturn and jupiter. After the warp test we established colinies on alpha cinterie,vega,deniva and a few orthers!”
“We set up trade routes,we also set up patrol ships,most of our ships were freighters. Some belong to the earth cargo service,orhers European,asian,african or private freighter lines.”
“Unfortunately pirates have caught on. They have become targets of nusicans,orion and un afiliated pirates. Although the x 1000 is primarily involved in exploration,we are also responsible for defense of alied ships”
“We are on course!”kelly w said. The door opened,sheveren entered. “So what is on the agenda today?” The andorian asked. “We are answering a distress call from one of our freighters.” Styles said.
“Great! We seam to jump from one crises to another. Is that how it is always going to go?”he asked.
“I have no idea! I have never done this before!” Styles said.”of course!”steveren said. “We get to test out the equipment you procured for us! ” the captain said.
Romulin vessel
” the x 1 0 0 0 0 is on its way!” A robotic officer said. The robot was gray and looked lifeless. “Acknowledged! Plot inter cept course!” The robot in charge said “in ter cept course laid in !”the robot said.
The romulin ship was on standby. “They acknowledge our signal!”trajaten said. “You seam sceptical lt!” Shumar asked. “They stil have not sent there verification code! It is standered procedure. This vesel is a e.c.s vessel. They usually adhere to protical to the letter especially this far out!”trajaten said.
“It is odd! “Styles said. “Are weapons ready?”shumar asked.”weapons standing by at your command sir!” Boyd said. ” stay sharp every one!” Styles said.
“I have the freighter on visual!” Tivora reported. “Lets see it!”styles ordered. On the screen displayed the image of a wracked freighter. There was plasma leaking and other evidence of damage.
“I canot find any attacking vessels!” Tivora said. “Gone already?”kelly w comented. “There warp drive is off line,weapons off line. “Tivora anounced. ” Life signs?”dr. Kelly asked. “I am not detecting any life signs!” Tuvora said.
“Have you not been in constent contact with someone over there? ” Chief perizau asked. “I thought i had!”trajaten said
“Come along side. Prepare to latch on to there cloest hatch!”styles ordered. “You got it sir!” Kelly w said. “Is this wise to latch on this soon?”steveren said. “Mayby not!”styles said. “Not the reasurence i was looking for!” The andorian said.
The vessel came along side the freighter. The vessel slowly took a poaistion paralel to the freighter. “We are in position ! Beginning docking procedurs! “Kelly w said.
The vessel latched on to the orther ship. The two vessels  murged. “Docking complete!”the pilot said.
” Ok! Dr. Kelly prepare a medical team! “He ordered. “You got it! “She said. ” Bryce you will command the ship in my absence! “He said.
“I seam to be micheal colins!” Bryce said. “Captain’s perogitive. Besides if this goes bad i nead someone to get me out if this mess!” Styles said.
“Are you anticipating trouble?”steveren asked. “I always anticipate trouble!”styles answered.
“Boyd,perizau with me! Hopefully we will all be back by supper time!” Styles said.
Robotic ship
“The hu man sh ip has docked with t h e de coy !” The robot said. “Ve r y good! T h e plan is co mancing as an ti ci pated. “The robotic leader said. 
Unbknowst to the crew,they were heading right into a trap.
The landing party headed down the coridor. The security team had thruster rifles there hand. They neared the airlock. The door opened. The door closed behind them. All of a suden they were fired upon by unknown snipers.
“Fall back!”styles ordered. The team tried to go back but the door was sealed. The freighter left the other ship. The freighter went to warp. The freighter droped its holow facade. It was a drone ship.
End of part two

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