The storm part 7

Perizau was looking over the engines. Every thing looked fine.he was convinced that something was wrong and was bound and determined to find far he had not found any problems. This failed to aleviate his fears. Very little could at this point. 
The door opened, the andorian entered the engine room. He went over to the chief enginer. “I am not going to like what you are about to say am i?” The chief asked. “Probably not! “Steveren admited.
“Ok go on?” The chief instructed him. “We are going to use my ship to reinforce key areas of the ship. “Steverin said.
“Are you nuts? ” perizau asked. “You have a better idea?” The andorian asked. “We will have to build during a storm! We are asuming the e.v.a suits will continue to function ! “Perizau said. “Do you have a better idea? ” He asked.
“No! Let me gues the captain has already aproved your plan!”perizau asked. ” yes he has!” Steveren said. “Do you know how this crazy this is? “Perizau asked. “In crazy times the only answer is to get crazy! “Steveren said. “That is a great idea?” Perizau said.
“I hope you are planing on getting your hands dirty! “The chief asked. “Of course. I will never ask someone to do something i am not wiling to do myself ! I will go. Besides i want to make sure that they do it right!” The andorian said. “Of course!”perizau said.
The hanger bay life suport had been deactivated so they had to use e.v.a suits just to get into the bay.
They got right to work. They had a lot to do. It was not fun. It had to be done.
First they took the outor part of the ship. Then they aplied it to key parts of the ship.
They had to constently monitor there suits. They rotated the repair crews quite regularily. Styles incitested on being there the whole time. He was not afraid of hard work.
As they worked,it ocured to him,this was the beginning of something. A human adventure. The beginning of a new era. He watched humans,trajaten,Vulcan ,andorian working side by side ib commin cause. All had a steak in this. Was this the start of something . A comunity. Who knows.
  “You ok corner?”shumar asked. “Yea just doing some day dreaming! “He said. “I see ! You don’t think we are doomed! This is not the titanic or the kontiki or edmond fitzgerald 0r the andoria doria?” Shumar said. “I don’t think so. We are not finished yet!” Styles said.
The armor covered bridge and engineering. They then returned to the ship. The crew was kept in several areas of the ship.
Dr. Kelly worked on develponing a treatment for the radiation sickness. She hoped to be able to slow down the progresson of the sickness.
“The storm is showing no signs of decreasing. We are looking at a few more days of this! Mayby a week!”tivora said. “Great! “Shumer said. “The shields do seam to be holding!”boyd said.
“The week was difficult. It was nurve wreaking. The fear seam to got worse. There seamed to be no relief. It seamed to be the new normal.” Styles said.
“We kept teling ourselves it will all be a distent memory when we are on the other side. There never seamed to be the orther side. It felt like time stoped and we were stuck in the storm. ”
  Styles had fallen asleep. He started to awake. “I must have dozed off! Please tell me i did not snore!” He said. “You did not!”tivora said. “Phew!” He said.
“The storm has stoped. ” Tivora said. “Is it over over?” Styles said.” It apears to be!”tivora said. “Kell mantain course!”he said.
“This no man’s land ,what the crew nicknamed ‘the desert” went on for another week. It was two weeks of nothing . Finally we found a unhabited planet. It could suport life. I ordered kelly to asume orbit of the planet. ”
“I wanted a full diegnostic of all systems. The ship would be refited. Steveren agreed to alow all of his ship to be used on the ship. The ship was getting a full make over!”
“You se really happy lately!” Perizau comnented. “I am always happy ! I am a verry bubily person . You on the orther hand no so much!” Marie said. “Your hapier then usual. I did not believe possible but i am sure of it!” He said.
“I have been wating for the right opotunuty to tell you. This seams like the right time! “She said. ” I asume your not leaving me for that andorian or worse some german guy? “He asked. “No or both counts. “She said. “Good!” He said.
“I’m pregnant !”she said. “What? Are you sure?”he asked. “Yes dr. Kelly confirmed it. “She said. “I thought you could not get pregnant ?”he asked. “So did i. Kell is going to monitor the pregnancy carefully but every thing is good so far! ” she said. He huged her. “Wow!” He said.
The senior staf assembled. The ship was under a veil. “You sure its ready?”styles asked. “Yes ira ready!”Steveren said. The veil was lifted. “Welcome to the new and aproved x 1000. “Perizau said. ” My friends we have come home?”he said. “We really need a name orther then x 1000!”steveren said. Everyone staired at him. “Its just a sugestion! Heash!”he said.
“Stil no captain’s chair?” Styles asked . “Maybe in the next refit!”shumar said. “Very well! ”
The ship lifted off. The ship cleared orbit of the planet. “Now free to navigate!” Kelly w said. “Set course into the unknown . “Styles said. The ship went to warp.
The end.

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