The storm part six

The food crates began to fall off in space. Several of the crates were struck by the ions. Several exploded. The projectiles hit the ship. The ship felt the blast.
While the team in e.v.a suits struggled to close the berikade. The culvert was sealed.
Now they had a new problem. Another part of the ship was exposed. They were still were not safe. Unfortunately they were far from it.
The crew rushed to the area near the hydroponics bay. The crew did the same. They sealed the masive hatch.
In the infirmery kelly got more and more patcients with radiation sickness. She also treated injuries from the impacts to the ship. She had enlisted help from non medical staf. She was overwhelmed. The situation went from bad to worse to even worse.
Captain’s qurters
” The structure is fairly sound! The fact is this ship is not ready for what is out hear!”perizau said. “I believe we may need a full redesign. “Schumar said. “When the storm passes,we will evaluate our next moves. Right now lets focus on getting though all this. I am confident we will! Even though it does not seam it right now! “Corner styles said.
He knew his senior officers fears had not been eleviated. He tried never the less.
“Dr. Kell what about the medical front?” Corner asked.” A large number of crew are suffering from various degres of radiation poisong. I suspect it is from the Storm. “Dr. Kell reported.
“We have no treatment ?”shumar asked. “Not yet!” The doctor reported. ” We can help with that! “Steveren said. “We will stay on this!” Styles said.
The meating was dismissed. The senior staff got up. Corner was concerned with the morale of the crew. He was very concerned with the safty of the crew and the ship. He was not sure how to procede.
He feared that the ship might need to return to human space. The ship might have to undergo a masive refit. He feared humanity might turn inward. The exploration mission might be temporary scraped. He hoped that that would not happen.
A part of him was not that mankind was ready to venture into deep space. Mayby he had been arogent. He had no idea.
  “Captain! You can canibolize my ship. The aloy could reinforce key areas of the ship! It will be cramped but i believe we can protect the crew! “Steveren said.”in The middle of a storm?” He asked.
“I know. This storm is not going any where! I think this could be the answer !”he said. “You will be sacrificing your ablity to leave! Your fate will be tied to ours!”corner observed. “I already have. Your not going to give up. I am a part of thia crew. I might as well start acting like it.i am all in corner!” The andorian told him.
“Alright ! Get with perizau ! “Corner said. He noded. Corner got a good feeling. Maybe they would make it after all. He really hoped so.
He did not want this to be over. He dreamed of humanity venturing out into space. Maybe this was the beginning. He looked out into space though a porthole.
This was the beginning ! This was a rising sun not a setting. He was caucious but his optimism was starting to rise even though it was ever so slightly.
  The crew was concerned but agried to the plan. They were wiling to give it a try. They had to try something. They were hear. They started to do it. Would it work was anyone gues. Mayby they lived in mythological times. He hoped they did.
End of part six.


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