To the outer rim and beyond part 12

Romulon vessel
“I have the human vessel !we will be in weapons range shortly!” The gunner said. “Excellent !” The primus said.
The romulan scout vessel had joined up with the swarm. The commander disliked playing second fiddle especially to the field primus. He and the primus had been rivals. He was displeased with having to be unsder any one especially him.
X 100 bridge
“They are heading right for us!” Tivora reported. “You should seak a safe harbor until the reinforcement arive! This is completely nuts! ‘Only a fool takes on a war fleet in a hover car!” Steveren said.
“I have an idea! Besides you can’t run from a bully. They have already encoached too far into our space. ” Styles said.
  Romulan vessel
“They are not atempting to flea!”the gunner said. “Either they are incredibly brave or incredibly stupid!” The primus said. “Perhaps they have some Klingon in them!”an officer said.they laughed.
The swarm serounded the x1000. They opened fire on the human vessel. Styles could not believe that this was happenng. Was there voyage over before it even started?
Steveren found a soft spot in one of the ships and took advantage of it. Boyd fired on it.the aft ship was hit.
The ship was hit. Styles thought to himself mayby we are not ready. Mayby we should go back to earth and in ten years or so try again. Then he thought now is the time.
The x 1000 fired back on the romulons. “I have an idea ! “Steveren said. Styles was not sure about how much they had trusted steveren. So far he had proven to be a key aset. They bearly knew him. Yet at this point there was no reason to doubt him.
The x fired on the aft vessel. The orther ships tried to cover the wounded bird. The x fired on the rest of the fleet. 
The x fired voleys on all of the ships. The x was hit. The decks afected by it was sealed off and evacuated. 
The x went towards a nearby ship and depreserized an airlock.they fired on the area. It got out of the way. The x fired lazers and projectiles on the warship. The warship was on fire.
Two vessels came at the x. The x came at the warships. They fired every thing they had. The x sped away.
Orther ships came at them. The x came at them. The x fired on the ships. The x knew that they would not make it but all they had to do was not yield. They had to hold out until the rest of the fleet arived.
Suddenly the earth fleet arived.they fired on the romulin ships. The whole game had changed. What would happen next?
End of part 12

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