To the outor rim and beyond part ten.

“Captain’s log ,repairs are going foward. The crew has really steped up to the plate. They are all performing well under these circumstances.  ”
“Mr. Steverin has proven to be quite an aset. I am a little concerned about him. He did come out of no where. He has been a good resource!”
Mess hall.
Tivora tried not to stare at the andorian who was across the room. She found it hard not to.”you really don’t trust him?”boyd asked. “It may be a bit irational. I am trying to look at this rationally and logically. Our people have had a storied history. Unfortunately that is interfeering with my objectivity! You are entering a strange new realm!”tivora said.
“Do you think humanity is ready to venture out into space ?”boyd asked. “No one can be completly ready. I think it may be time for hunanity to venture out! I am fully suportive of humanity exploration of the universe. ” She said.
The andorian went to the two at the table. “I am suprised to see a Vulcan on a human ship!” The andorian said. “I have never been to Vulcan ! I grew up on earth. I am an earth citizen!”she said. “She seam very stioc. I asume you are a folower of surek?” He asked.
“I am!”she said. “I figured you were. You seam the type!” Steverin said. “Who is surek?”boyd asked. “Our grestest philosopher. We were war like saveges. We used our mentle abilities as weapons. War lords used there mental abilities to opress. Surek transformed our society in a very short amount of time! ” she said.
“I am hoping that something similer is happening on earth. We have come a long way in a short amount of time. I hope it will last!” Boyd said.
“I suspect it will. I think humanity is ready for the next chapter ! I have confidence that you will make that choice!”she said. “You are an idealest! I hope that is true. “Steveren said. “I take it you are more cyinical?”she asked. “Our people tend to be more on the cynical side. I gues i have adopted that way of thinking !” He said.
Captain’s qurters
“The romulons seam to be a likley competitor to the humans.i believe that we will be seing a lot of them in the future !” Styles said.
” it does seam that way! ” eller said. “I believe that the romulons are planing to strike again ! They will bring friends. We need to do the same. “Styles said. “Very well. I will arange it. “Eller said. “Very good'”styles said.
End of part

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