To the outer rim and beyond part 8

Bryce shumar arived at the area near the atomic lunch bay. He took out the granade. The granade was designed to operate in space.
The device floated to the luncher. He set on a time delayed detination. Then he got out of the way.
Th granade exploded. The luncher was hit. It was not destoyed but damage beyond the ablity to operate properly.
X 1000
“There atomic luncher is off line!”tivora said.”good work mr. Shumar! Finily some good news!” Styles said.
Alien ship
“We cannot use our atomic weapons !”the gunner said. “They are very intuitive ! They adapt quickly to change! They are quite fasinating cretures! ” the commander said.
“The vessel primary drive is off line! They will have to rely on impulse !”the science officer said.
“I have located the space walker !”the gunner anounced. “Target that sodjer! Eliminate him!” The commander said.
A lazer beam headed his way. He tried to avoid it. The blast destroyed his booster pack. He was drifting. He was a siting duck.he knew it.
“Great i get out in space. Go where no one had gone. Die my first week. Either i will be a foornote or a martyr. A pionor but a dead one!”he thought.
The lazer beam was hit him. He would be a goner. He felt something push him away. It was a ship.
By the looks of it,it was some kind of scout craft. He was brought on bored. The hatch opened.
“Nead a lift?” The man asked. He got closer to see who it was. The man was tall. He had blue skin and antinas. “What are you?”shumar asked.
“My race are called the andorians. We are pecefull well for the most part. We get iretated esily but i am prety even kealed normally !” He said.
“You have any idea who these people are who are attacking us are?”shumar asked.
“They are called romulans. They control a good size empire. They are zenophobic. They were content in keeping a tight lid on there own space.recently they caught the expansion buz. They have begun to spread out. I suspect they will keep going.”hw said.
” in order to expend they will have to deal with us. Our space is right in there way. Sounds to me like a war in the making. “Bryce said. 
“That is usually how it goes. The romulans apitite may be biger then there abilities to pull it off!”the andorian said.
Shumar thought to himself that there own abilities might not be up to snuf on there end. He would not say that outloud.
The x 1000 waited for the enemy ships next move.  “Hail that ship!” Styles said. “Sending ! No response !”trajaten said.
“At present we are basically evenly matched! “Tivora said. “We are both prety batered and bloody!” Styles said.
“Vessel is moving away! “Boyd reported. “They are probably going to try to regroup. This is not over! “The captain said.
“We are not going to persue?” The armory officer said. “Negitive ! We are in  no shape to persue. We need to lick our own wounds. They will be back. So will we!”styles said.
“Sir detecting another ship. Scout class. Commander shumar is abored. He said he has made a friend!”trajatan said. ” I see! ” the captain said.
End of part 8

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